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Shonky PR in Australian Politics - CONSPIRACY

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posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 01:58 PM
This is built on my reply from another thread which I felt had grown too big and needed its own space.
I'm open minded on this subject and welcome any constructive views. This thread, However is no place to debate specific gov't policy or how much you agree/disagree with it we are just focussed on the Public Relations and Media involved and their blatant bias.

Now I know you're saying "you can't polish a turd" but in PR for the most part you really can. I have worked in PR for going on 6 years and the right words can turn around the worst of situations from a half eaten dead rat in your sushi to an employee taking a bath in your commercial fryer - it can all be minimised and turned around.

I'm starting to see a bit of a conspiracy against the Liberals, particularly Abbott. Don't get me wrong I don't vote for either of the major parties but with all that money spent on Public Relations and Communications experts the Gov't have gotten a poor service and the PR is almost poised to be working against them.

some examples include:

* The importance and absolute necessity of the budget wasn't explained beforehand - at all which would have "lessened the blow" so to speak. I don't know about anyone else but for me nothings changed. We keep getting told of cuts and how difficult life is but I've personally been better off; receiving a refund from the axed Carbon Tax and oil prices have bottomed out and cheaper than they have been in years (not the gov'ts doing I know). You had Hockey saying one thing, Abbott saying another when a Communications Adviser would make sure to brief EVERYONE about how to respond to questions and critisism.

* The achievements of Abbott and Julie Bishop overseas have been phenomenal with teh MH-17 disaster and free trade agreements and yet it was only a blip on the radar. Even with the so called right leaning Murdoch press being in the Libs corner he still prints negative articles - even murdoch presses major news website published Liberal Christopher Pines personal phone number which was leaked by the Labour Party urging the public to text him and tell him "exactly what you think of him".

* The PM is constantly shown standing in front of the camera alone talking when no leader in their right mind would ever do so; the last 4 years have seen every leader from Obama to Merkel facing the camera with a bunch of 'yes men' standing behind nodding and applauding. No MEdia Adviser in their right mind would miss such a basic tool to promote the idea that there are many other people in agreeance that the PMs course of action is correct (whether it be so or not). This mistake is not shown once or twice but the majority of media grabs show "Tony No Friends" alone.

* A photo published by Left Wing newspaper The Age (and its Fairfax affiliates) showed a photo of Joe Hockey smoking a cigar and labeled him a "fat cat" that he was a horrible smoker laughing about the poor people he's ripping off. (I reall the Murdoch press printed this as well) This occurred at the same time the Union Corruption meetings were being held accusing former PM Labour Julia Gillard of fraud and corruption. Hmm which is bigger news? Hockey smokes a cigar or The PM Julia knowingly siphoned hundreds of thousands from shonky union payments to have her house renovated?

Here are some stories that have been buried in the Media on both sides:

One possible news story that was widely ignored (even by Murdoch) came out in Parliament Question Time two days ago where it was found that Labour Member for Ballarat Catherine King has been found to have rort more than $7.4 milliion in taxpayer funds from the Rural Development Fund to inner city Labour seats by a corruption commission. Except we didn't hear about it instead we saw cricketer Phillip Hughes funeral which was telecast live on all channels and printed as the major news in all papers.

Another news story that was blatantly buried was when the Labour Party Leader was accused of rape. The newspapers including Murdochs never named Shorten in the case only saying "a senior minister is accused of raping a teenager". The only place that named him months before any other news source was the website Kangaroo Court of Australia. There was no legal embargo or statute prohibiting the media from naming him as the accused and yet it was hidden from the public for so long. And he was only named AFTER the police dropped the case because it was a historical rape and there was not a 'reasonable chance of conviction'. Oh boy there was evidence and testimony but the police dropped the case. Meanwhile other 'historical rapes' having occurred 40+ years before this one currently are being heard through the courts and in the Royal Comission.

I haven't even touched on the Left Biased tax-payer funded ABC network - who's CEO earns more money than the Prime Minister all paid for by the tax payer and yet it can do no wrong.

What do you think? Is the Abbott Gov'ts PR advisers working against them? Are the PTB Left-Wing socialists?

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 02:03 PM
Have you considered a change of vocation, considering you understand the futility of the game.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Kalixi

it's called divide & conquer
keep your eyes on palmer & even this lambert unit
(they'll have roles to play soon)

lol'd hard @ kitchen cabinet (cooking show) where mr. palmer applied his expertise to cooking (& ruining) a steak

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: beforemorning
Have you considered a change of vocation, considering you understand the futility of the game.

Come to mention it I gain my main income now from a farmers market stall on our Farm!

I pick up some random consulting work here and there but there are very little PR jobs in the small town I now live in with my hubby + 3 kids which has been a blessing I don't miss office work at all.

But yes, PR has grown increasingly futile :/

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: UNIT76
a reply to: Kalixi

it's called divide & conquer
keep your eyes on palmer & even this lambert unit
(they'll have roles to play soon)

Palmer is the King of misdirection - he pulls it off better than a magician!
It's like he is being sued for millions and suddenly he points and yells "LOOK OVER THIS WAY!! RUPERT MURDOCHS WIFE IS A COMMUNIST SPY!!!" and we all fall for it.
I wonder how he has become a billionaire? He comes across as a bumbling fool - he must have some excellent yes men around him doing the heavy lifting!

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Kalixi

I wonder how he has become a billionaire?

according to mr. palmer he made his money in property investment & retired at age 29.
not much else said but he *DID* specifically mention "i (he) was specially trained"

(and didn't elaborate on that)
(oh, but he did.. if ones knows what to listen for)
he then launched into a story of selling a property to an unsure couple (they didn't want to commit to buying the house because they didn't know if their relationship would last) but good old clive was able to smooth-talk them into the sale..
so that's an insight into what he was "specially trained" in


King of misdirection

uhh, something like that yeah

edit on 3-12-2014 by UNIT76 because: gourmand


how 'bout good ol' mrs rudd, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth
edit on 3-12-2014 by UNIT76 because: i *kevin rudd challenge* anyone to do some digging on these folks... and bring a hefty shovel

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: UNIT76


how 'bout good ol' mrs rudd, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth

HAHA yes and she has made a fortune from her property sales as well.

If anyone was a communist spy it was dear leader Mr Rudd going around everywhere speaking Mandarin
except he wasn't really good as foreign minister and made no trade deals with China or anywhere else for that matter.
One "insider" report said that the Chinese officials couldnt stand the smarmy weasel

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Kalixi

a LOT of 'em are fabian socialists....

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: UNIT76
a reply to: Kalixi

a LOT of 'em are fabian socialists....

And yet the Greens are the first to demand an apology for the Aboriginal 'Stolen Generation' but early socialism was largely to blame for the genocide that happened as ethnic cleansing was a big part of the Socialist Utopia plan (more like distopia killing the disabled and infirm)

Just like the National Socialist Party AKA the NAZI Party and their genocide of Jews in the Holocaust.
But no, nobody is critical of the Far Left ideologies.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Kalixi

I think we will find that TPTB and media have already chosen Abbott's successor. That is why they are not giving him good press. Obviously they have people in mind that will do what they want so that they can make even more money than they do now and perhaps Abbott is not playing ball. Everybody forgets that Abbott refused to join an attack on Syria when the rebellion started saying that they were all baddies. Perhaps we will see Turnbull as the next Prime Minister.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: beforemorning
Its only futile if we give up when we don't give up then we have a chance however slim of changing it. I would rather have a 1% chance than no chance and do you not think its important to educate people that the majority of the politicians are actually rapists and paedophiles take Tony Blair Gordon Brown and George Bush Jr absolute filth and everyone thinks they are upstanding members of society.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

bob browne (leader of green party) is a fabian socialist
(that should explain why they do what they do)
the fabian socialist emblem is a wolf in sheeps clothing *wink*

But no, nobody is critical of the Far Left ideologies.

read mark latham's diaries

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