posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 07:13 PM
Every year I travel to Europe and then the east coast to visit relatives. Thus last week I had to go through security at San Diego's Lindbergh Field,
Berlin's Tegel airport, and New York's LaGuardia airport. This year's trip was the most strange in many years. Why?
Because there was:
--NO naked body scanners in evidence
--NO taking off of shoes or belt
--NO one being pulled aside for secondary harassment
--NO one being groped/patted down
--NO being barked at/bullied about by obnoxious security agents
--NO irritating chemical swabbing of one's person or belongings
I have had to experience all of the above in trips as recently as a year ago. This time, the security check consisted solely of having to walk
through a metal detector, and putting my carry-on through the X-Ray machines, just like before 9/11. They didn't even ask me if someone had requested
me to carry a package for them. In Berlin they caught me carrying two disposable lighters in my carry-on, one above the limit, but the guy didn't
even confiscate it; he just told me not to do it next time. It's like the whole War on Terror has run out of gas. If any of you have flown recently,
can you confirm this new, relaxed attitude?
Now if we could just do something about those $8 cans of beer for sale....
edit on 30-11-2014 by starviego because: (no reason given)