posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 03:57 PM
I had 2 strange experiences last night and this morning, I'm not sure if they are connected. I'll try and explain, and hopefully you can share some
knowledge or similar experiences...
First was similar to "exploding head syndrome" (if you havnt heard of this, use the search, there are threads about it), but in stead of what seems
like random lightening, there was this perfectly straight light going from my crown chakra to my 3rd eye charkra... a little excited I tried to
envision a ball of white light but instead EVERYTHING went white!. I thought it was cool and went to sleep soon afterwards.
When I awoke this morning I was recalling my dream (it was weird) and trying to find any connection to the exploding head instance and my dream. Thats
when this black orb floated down from the ceiling and just disappeared??? I have never seen a black orb before, this was probably an inch to an inch
and a half in size and far more opaque than any other orbs I have seen.
Any ideas on these two instances?