posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 12:35 AM
so long as the freakin plane lands on its wheels with the pilot in control isn't it a good flight?
no. I don't really think there's anything wrong with expecting more from airlines than getting from point to point safely. paying a bazillion
dollars for a ticket and then having the flight turn into something like a scene from one of the National Lampoon movies is way less fun than it
sounds. maybe weird stuff only happens when I fly, but on one flight to Orlando, the plane actually took off with another flight's luggage on board.
that sucked. and when I was going to London, the guy in the row in front of me had too much to drink, and threw up on the guy next to him. so very
unpleasant. on the way back from London, the airline (they don't call 'em Northworst for nothing) lost our entire group's reservations...all 37 of
them. and I'm not a frequent flyer at all. I've only flown 8 times (4 round trips) in my life.
oh well. I didn't mean this to turn into a rant. airlines suck. I expect too much of them