posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to:
I 100% fully agree. But it is imperative that we also remember that, as with everything, there are indeed
exceptions to this new and
frighteningly growing trend of police and prison/court system ineptness. A couple of summers ago, I was at Summerfest and I got separated from my
fiance and friends at night--the three of us had been selling and smoking some fine cigars at a booth. I didn't know where they went--normally, if I
were say, tall or perhaps a male, then maybe I wouldn't be as concerned being on my own at night on the summerfest grounds with the festival closing
and drunk, possibly violent people everywhere. 48 hours hard evidence has taught me to be paranoid, but I'm ok with that lol I'm 5'2 and slim/petite.
Not exactly up for some fisticuffs. I also lived in downtown Chicago by the lakefront (loyola). To quote harry potter (for lack of a better idea...),
Being not entirely unable to care for myself, I made the autonomous decision to seek out a security officer--specifically one who was also a policeman
(versus just a volunteer). And you know what, that officer kept me safe from thugs and helped me get reunited with my friends. And I didn't have to
risk my safety or anything.
Or like the time on the freeway blowing a tire--the officer who stopped to ask if we needed help with the tire proceeded to watch over us for the
duration and until my father arrived to guide us home as well. After, the cop actually escorted us home! (the real amazing--and hilarious--part about
all this is that ___ *i can't say here actually
* lol )
So yeah, there are always good apples. Just sucks they can't have more power to keep bad ones out of the force.
I don't think it's so much about bashing cops as highlighting what actually goes down v. covering it up. Because unfortunately our society is
degrading due to rampant individualism.
edit on 29-11-2014 by rukia because: (no reason given)