posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 10:30 AM
What with all the racial unrest in the US as of late... and with the racial agitators out in force, it brings to mind a concept rooted in the late
1960's. Helter-Skelter. As a lot of you may remember, the word itself was lifted from the song of the same name by The Beatles, but the concept was
born in the mind of Charles Manson. For those not familiar with the concept of Helter-Skelter, a brief synopsis of the concept:
Create racial tension in the US, (Whites vs Blacks), fomenting an all out race war, in which Manson believed the blacks would eventually win. Where
Manson came in was that in the aftermath, he believed that the blacks were not intelligent enough to run things, and would need a leader... a white
leader... himself, Charles Manson. I know, I know, Manson is insane. Supposedly, the "Manson Murders" in Los Angeles in 1969 were his way of
ratcheting up the racial tensions to kick-off Helter-Shelter. So back to my question, is Al Sharpton the new Charles Manson ? I think the tactics are
the same. Take advantage of death and mayhem to aggrandize oneself on the backs of the victims. Where Manson took direct action to start the tensions,
Sharpton waits in the wings until an opportunity presents itself, then he struts in as "Savior". In my opinion, he does the African-American
community such a disservice. So maybe, on a smaller scale, Sharpton has achieved his own little brand of Helter-Skelter. Your thoughts ?