A reply to:
The onboard radios were far out of range of Reagan Airport senders at the times the hijackers repeatedly manually set the pressure, causing the
hick-ups in that NTSB animation.
Can you find the means how the hijackers did collect the fresh, recent pressure at Reagan Airport.? Because these expert FDR decoder personnel could
Further on, when you had studied that Autopilot AA77 and UA93 Study paper its pages 3, 6 and 7 about AA77, you would have found a few things :
1. Page 3.
""AAL 77 Autoflight Activity
Figure 1 shows a time history of the various autopilot and autothrottle modes engaged on Flight 77, from takeoff from Dulles airport to the end of the
DFDR data at impact with the Pentagon. Also shown in the Figure are the values of speeds, altitudes, headings, and Mach that the airplane flew. The
values set in the MCP by the pilots (both the American Airlines pilots and the hijack pilots)
had a recording error when recorded on the DFDR, and
could not be determined.""
(LT : MCP = ModeControlPanel, see page 2. That's a strange coincidence, that exactly the values that were set as manual pressures, were not recorded
in that recovered digital FDR. )
2. Page 3, 4.
""A few minutes after the hijackers took control of the cockpit (at approximately 08:52), the horizontal mode was changed to a heading select and the
airplane began a 180-degree turn back towards Washington. After the new heading was selected, and up until the last nine minutes of the flight,
autopilot operated in modes that receive inputs from the MCP
(i.e., target values of altitude, speed, and heading set directly by the operators of the aircraft rather than from the FMC.
The autopilot was off
for the last eight minutes of the flight.
For the remainder of the flight, the horizontal mode remained in heading select and the vertical mode was operated in altitude hold, altitude, or
flight level change mode. Similarly, the autothrottle remained in either airspeed mode or mach mode,
except during times of flight level
At about 09:08, after a flight level change was initiated from 25,000 feet, the First Officer’s flight director, the autopilot, and the autothrottle
all disengaged. This disengagement was concurrent with a right (First Officer’s) autopilot warning. The autopilot remained off for approximately two
minutes, and then re-engaged on the left side (Captain’s side). The autopilot disengaged again, concurrent with an autopilot warning on the left
side. After about a half a minute of disengagement, the left autopilot was re-engaged and the autothrottle was re-engaged soon after.
Over the next
ten minutes, the autothrottle was engaged and disengaged several times, while the aircraft remained at 25,000 feet, until remaining engaged in the
flight level change mode during descent from 25,000 feet.
At approximately 9:29, while at an altitude of 7000 feet and approximately 30 nautical miles from Washington Reagan National Airport, the autopilot
and autothrottle were disengaged.
These remained off during the 360-degree, descending turn to impact with the Pentagon.""
(LT : all this on and off of the autopilot/throttle indicates a manual pressure setting, again and again. WHY ? That is very abnormal behavior,
normally this has to be done only two times per flight duration, when coming up, and down again through the 18,000 feet altitude)
3. Read Page 6 and 7.
""The magnetic heading of 120 degrees selected in the autopilot MCP was the correct heading for flying to Washington. However, even though the EFIS
was in the MAP mode at the time, it was in the 80 nautical mile range setting, and so would not have shown DCA on the display; consequently, it is
unlikely that the hijackers used the map display on the EHSI to deduce the correct heading for Washington.
It follows that the hijackers had some
other means of obtaining this heading.""
(LT : Which means? And what other means to determine pressure at DCA (Reagan Int. ), if on board nor hand held radios didn't provide DCA pressure. And
there were no manual pressure set activities anymore before they got in 80 miles range of DCA. So, why could they know so early on already, the
perfect pressure setting at DCA.? )
My reason for all this? I expect the same tampering with the last minutes or seconds of Flight 77 its FDR, as can be found in combining 93 its FDR
with the by eyewitnesses observed Fl.93-altitudes in Lambertsville.
That shows definite tampering with the last 3 minutes. When you work back from 10:06 instead of the NIST incorrect crash time of 10:03, all altitudes
fit like a glove. They tampered with those last 3 minutes, NIST or NTSB or whoever, erased 3 minutes.
The seismic record, radar records and the FAA flight controllers all definitely define the Fl.93 crash time as 10:06...!
edit on 2/3/15 by LaBTop because: There were major mis alignments in the text.