I'm only messing with the force because the forced messed with me first. Taunt a dog that's behind a fence however many times you wish, and
eventually after some time that dog will find out what its capable of doing and how to do it and the next time you taunt it, it may be your last one.
The one controlling us can only suppress us for so long and eventually we will all realize that there is a great power within us and that it has just
been suppressed and we will fight back. Believe what you want to believe man, I'm merely expressing my 2 cents on things based on some deep readings
on articles about this kind of stuff. everyone has their own way of understanding things and when the time is right things will slowly reveal itself
to those who seek it.
I think an easier concept about time to understand is the idea that time is all one big thing that is fully connected to everything and can be
morphed, bent, and twisted around in a sense to get from one point in time to another.
Oh my, now i remember, i had a lot of fun with this last year...
Seriously time as 4th Dimension still totally works in my mind, but it is deeply connected to space and mass. But we already know mass also bends
space time. We just need to find a way to use it.