Rothschild; Law Society and their ‘God’ connection
I’ll start this thread by pointing out a few things relating to the Rothschild’s, and other so-called ‘elite’ in this world; many of which
form part of the various secret societies on Earth.
Firstly; they are fond of things such as ‘mirrored writing’, and (it would seem) anagrams. This forms a large part of their understanding of this
world and it is used by them rather extensively.
The reason for this is simple;
We live in a world which is (regardless of which side of the argument you are on) a complex multi-dimensional intelligent design. One that is governed
by the laws of nature and physics which are determined mathematically; giving us what we refer to as ‘sacred geometry’.
On the level where we interact with the system of our world; written and spoken language forms a very large part of the mathematical systems which we
live by.
As the Bible states; “The word is God”. And this is fairly true when you consider the function which written and spoken word has within society;
and where we would be without it.
Language; though composed of lettering instead of numbers; is based upon set numbers of letters; and language ‘formulas’ for composition of words;
and it is therefore mathematical in its foundation; and contains algorithms within any written or verbal composition.
I won’t go into much more detail on this; it is enough to explain the basic principles so you can appreciate the depth of power that exists within
The next aspect you need to appreciate is the power which can be conveyed through written and spoken word.
Any of you who have already awoken to the widespread, systematic lies of our Governments and media will know that they (for the most part) operate
under the mindset that
”If enough people believe what you are telling them; truth is irrelevant”. It is something which Mark Twain quoted
so perfectly when he said;
”Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”
This is where the ‘mirroring’ part comes into play. If they want something to be considered true, or accepted by the masses; or in many cases, to
come to pass; they simply ‘project’ that which they wish to, and in its reflection which is the distribution to the collective ‘masses’; the
‘seed’ they planted takes hold.
A large-scale version of starting a rumour; in order to get something to work in your favour; basically.
The reverse of this; is that if there is something which is largely believed or distributed, which isn’t to your liking; you ‘mirror it’ to try
and cancel it out; or have it work in your favour.
Something which (in its larger applications) is trying to ‘tick all the boxes’ on something which is said to come to pass; as to try fulfil
prophecy in your favour.
A well-known prophet says there will be a big fire somewhere at a certain time? Light a fire somewhere around that time; so that the true event
can’t affect you. Something along those lines.
Next their connection to ‘God’;
Firstly; the term ‘God’ we use today comes from the Norse God ‘Odin’; who had many names. Among them were Bolverk, Wodan, Wodanaz, and the
Lombardic ‘Godan’.
Godan; is an interesting name in itself when you stop to consider that that AN; is well-known to be a reference to God within other religions such as
the Sumerian An/Anu. But I digress.
The partner of Godan was the Goddess Freyja. A name which later became Priya in Sanskrit.
From this we get what we say today as; Pray/Prayer to God. With Freyja become Prayer.
The basis of which actually translates to; “Woman to man”. But it is more than just this. Woman is; like in many other religions and their
interpretations of feminine aspects of God, more accurately translated to something like ‘house, nurturing’ or that which something is contained
The male aspect of this which is Godan/God, has been personified as ‘the creator’ as it relates to the provision within the feminine aspect. This
is why the Egyptian God Osiris is shown with a phallic symbol as his headdress; whilst his consort Isis is shown with a throne on her head. Because he
as the male is ‘the creator’ whilst she is what he sits ‘within’ to create. It is, at its most fundamental level; just a metaphor for the
penis and vagina in their roles coming together to create something.
The Mother is the canvas; the Father is paint; the child is the artwork.
Or if you prefer the Biblical version of things. The Father works in provision for the house (the BREAD-WINNER by todays language; whilst the Mother
tends to the house and family.
This is the literally translation of what ‘LORD’ means; the bread-winner. Whilst LADY means; ‘bread-kneader’.
And in a house where the man was very successful in his role as the bread-winner; they were able to literally turn ‘water into wine’; when it came
to entertaining guests. As they had the income and ability to afford such things.
And interesting side note to this; is that the name ELIZABETH; can be translated to be ‘Power of the house’; with El being the deification of
divine power; and ‘Beth’ meaning (basically) house.
OK; so back to Rothschild. Which is simply an anagram of ‘Thors Child’.
Thor is used as their divine association and was used within the foundation of what we know today as ‘Law Society’. Something that is represented
still in the use of the Gable. Thors hammer. The power, and control over society; for which they were a part of establishing.
The connection with themselves, Thor and the modern Church can be seen when you take a look at Thors first child ‘MODI’; a name which (mirrored)
becomes IDOM/ADAM.
It is by this and its application to the Jewish and Roman Catholic Churchs, and modern Christianity; that we realise that they created a separation
between Thor and Idom/modi; by mirroring (closing off) the sun; and leaving the Father UNNAMED! Something which is blatant within the translation of
YHWH; where it states that he should not be named; or his name said.
This creates a 'divide' in society; where the elite; privy to the truth; are not only aware of who they deem God to be; but also give themselves
divine association to them; whilst the masses are left unaware.
They even then go and name their elite 'Lords and Ladies' as part of their self-proclaimed divine association.
And to ensure that nobody then seeks to know who their praised 'God' is; they constructed the writings of Genesis to instill fear into KNOWLEDGE; so
as to try deter anyone from knowing what they know.
This has effectively created a divide between the 'elite' of this world; and the common people. One by which the praise of the common people is giving
(if only in perception) to those of the elite, as the children of the God they worship.
It also forms part of the system which has delivered inequality to women and seen them oppressed. Because as 'pray to God' is now seen as the process
of talking to something unknown; it no longer holds its meaning in 'woman to man'; which saw them as the two equal parts of a whole.
So now 'prayer divides God from his feminine balance'.
If you appreciate all these things; then you begin to form a picture as to the connections between the British monarchy; the Rothschilds and the
Romans (Catholic Church).
I have more bits and pieces in relation to this; but I will leave it here for now to allow people to respond and see what others have to contribute to
what I’ve presented.
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