posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 12:58 AM
I am not certain as to the legality of international direct depositing, but your best bet, besides that, would be to open an account in the US, get
your debit card, and just use it in Canada. This of course might be a hassle, having two bank accounts, because you might need to transfer funds
often...I do not know if there is any option for transferring funds that would not get you charged something, considering you're dealing with two
different banks as opposed to two different accounts at the same bank. Is there an American branch of the bank you use in Canada? I don't know if
they would be connected like two branches in the same country however. I know that my uncle worked in Iraq, and while he was there I had to do his
bank stuff for him sometimes, and I remember that he had his pay directly deposited into a US account, but that is all I know, lol.