posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 02:27 AM
I like brewing this stuff.
After I strain out the grains, the kefir will keep at least a few days at room temperatures.They get hungry, so it's better to keep feeding them if
you can.Mind you, I usually let it go for 48 hours.I believe the cooling helps slow them down.They'll sleep like that for a very long time.
I'll switch out the milk once the kefir has completely separated. You can do it sooner, if you enjoy it less tart.I usually leave a third behind
(mostly grains), to keep it brewing quick.It's similar to making yogurt.
If something happens to your larger grains, you can you the strained kefir to start grow more grains.
It's too bad, the taste throws some off.I love this stuff, I sleep better and it helps keep my mood up.I just came across some info the other day,
second ferment It's really mellows out the taste.I tried this yesterday,
running with some home made apple sauce and ginseng extract.Worked great, took the edge off the taste.
Another idea for those who want to try this out, is water kefir.If you would like to get live culture, check out craigslist too.