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KKK threatens to shoot Anonymous protestors

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posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: johnnyBgood
The one thing that struck me most about this is that the kkk is right wing? I wasn't aware of this. Wasn't senator Byrd a left wing kkk member. I guess I just don't understand this left and right labeling.

Wasn't it the left wing D party that opposed desegregation? Was the kkk right wing at that time also?

Besides that I wasn't even aware that the kkk still existed. This has to be just inflammatory race baiting by alphabet agencies.

The "D" party doesn't want us to remember that. They don't want the younger generation to remember that they (democrats) filibustered the civil rights act with Senator Byrd himself finishing a filibuster address that lasted over 14 hours. Kennedy wanted this but didn't live to see it's passage - largely due to the "Southern Bloc" of 18 democrats and 1 republican who opposed it... although certainly not all dem's opposed it.

Still, I would have to assume that nowadays there are morons of both parties who are members of the KKK.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

And what happened after that?

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:07 PM
Interesting turn of events. Frank Ancoda is now being very civil and cooperative with Anonymous.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: Auricom
a reply to: trollz

Anonymous: Fourteen something's living in their parents basements with sever lack of social skills.

The KKK: Fifty+ something's living in their own basements with severe lack of social skills.

Hmm... I would have thought they'd get along better. Let's hope M.A.D. comes into play!

You didn't think that 14 yo basement dwellers could bring down government servers with botnets did you?

Most Anon are in their 20's and well in to their 30's even.

Take it from someone from inside the collective

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: chuck258
If Anonymous is good enough to find SUPPOSED links to the KKK in the Ferguson PD on an institutional level (that is the supposed KKK links are higher up the chain or heavily infested) then they are good enough to fake the proof. It's not hard to write an email or memo or something of that sort. If Anon wants to truly make a difference they will have to stop being cowards and whoever had found this so called proof will have to out himself so it canbe assured that he is not bias or have an agenda to to link KKK with Police. He could be Dorian Johnson or an associate for all we know who, cowering behind a computer screen has all the motive in the world (jail time) to demonize the Police.

Cowards ? Woahh there, are you saying the anon mole should reveal thyself as an act of good faith ? We are talking about someones career here. They have every right NOT to come out. And for all you know they are still working on gathering data on the klan and connecting the dots. Nothing cowardly about that, it is only logical.

In summary: If Anon wants their supposed proof to have any validity, whoever found it will have to come out of the shadow and have their "proof" scrutinized to the tiniest detail because of the ease of being able to fabricate this so called proof, which even if found in itself is a problem because said evidence would have been obtained unlawfully and thus in admissable. Sorry Anon, you might be some computer whizzes, but what you are doing is pointless.

This is not a legal procedure, this is about the distribution of information. You can take it with a grain of salt. This is the same ethos behind wikileaks in the sense of leaking cables. And that rocked the boat with the level of corruption exposing disingenuous nature behind the military. The sharing of information, spreading awareness. Anon and the KKK are not going to be facing off in any court room so your argument is invalid.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: DarthFazer

I was introduced to it in /b/ when Anon started becoming a "thing". I took part in a few irc discussions up until rather recently. The only good thing anon has done recently is destroy the Tor pedo community. This Ferguson nonsense is just dumb and misguided.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: Auricom

first off...can we even talk about /b/?

Those people are degenrates...period...or to use the terminology, edgy people pretending to be degenerates

As far as anon...well I mean it's collective with no leadership whatsoever...It would 'appear' they lean left at times but then who is to say? I love that they do what they do with this bunch of racist, pathetic losers who think they have the rights to the country and whatnot. They are also sorely misinformed that anon couldn't pull off this and much much time and history have proven sad as it is...I've used those IB's that anon spawned from for several years and seen one 'operation' go down...which was really really stupid...but boy howdy do they have momentum and power when they want it

KKK...not afraid?

Bottom....a pic of klansmen at Darren's rally...OOPS! Better take it down!!! yeah too late

KKK thinks that guns are the only feasible weapon...well...welcome to 2014...I would wager if I was a terrorist that Anon could do WAY more damage than a klansmen could

They are not going to find anon

Either way, I am for free speech, but definately on Anon's side

lol...cannot believe /b/ was mentioned here :-)

That place frightens even me
edit on 24-11-2014 by KyoZero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: DarthFazer

originally posted by: Auricom
a reply to: trollz

Anonymous: Fourteen something's living in their parents basements with sever lack of social skills.

The KKK: Fifty+ something's living in their own basements with severe lack of social skills.

Hmm... I would have thought they'd get along better. Let's hope M.A.D. comes into play!

You didn't think that 14 yo basement dwellers could bring down government servers with botnets did you?

Most Anon are in their 20's and well in to their 30's even.

Take it from someone from inside the collective

I don't know but I've been told, that a lot of Anons are
also current or former NSA geeks, (CIA, etc...)

Rebel 5

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: KyoZero

Oh please, this is where Anonymous originated from. /b/ and other sub-chans on 4Chan.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: ItCameFromOuterSpace
a reply to: Grovit

What's wrong with Vienna sausages and Natty Light? Geesh. Live a little.

Absolutely nothing !

Till 3 or 4 hours later.....

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 03:19 PM
Boy, some of the responses here

Talk about NOT knowing thy enemy.

While their "cause" is completely assinine and I firmly believe that they need to disappear, have any of you actually had the displeasure of meeting a true KKK member?

They are not all "hillbillies" and idiotic daddy uncles.

There are actually Judges, and many politicians that are members. So as far as them actually getting info, they can.

Now, that said? Yes, Anon would eat them for dinner, and rightly so.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: KyoZero

Those people are degenrates...period...or to use the terminology, edgy people pretending to be degenerates

I am oldf@9 from 2007 /b/. They certainly are, as well as sociopaths, socially awkward and suffer social anxiety... and that is what makes it a fun place. They don't call /b/ the cesspool of the internet for nothing. That place is a riot. I advise anyone to never go there turn away while they still can and lurk moar. Despite the pedos in the mix as well that will always be part of the cancer that is killing /b/. What has been seen cant be unseen.
edit on 24-11-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: Auricom

right right...didn't know if we were allowed

I mean I know /b/ from 2008ish so I most certainly wasn't there for the spawn ((Boxxy yes)) but it always seemed to me that anon had this way about them that they were attempting to protect those who were either unable to protect themselves ((a la Dusty and few "gunmen" they stopped prior to potential shootups. I get this attack response on the KKK and yeah Tor...all good...and I guess Habbo???

But then, is /b/ really anon anymore or are they only children concerned about nudes and game developers?

I don't're more than likely more knowledgeable and have been there well before I. Frankly...if you are cool with it I'd love to throw you a PM or two...but that's another story

either way...I am not upset for them unmasking the KKK...but that's just me and the reality is that subjectivity demands that one man's freedom is another man's treason

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: rebelv

originally posted by: DarthFazer

originally posted by: Auricom
a reply to: trollz

Anonymous: Fourteen something's living in their parents basements with sever lack of social skills.

The KKK: Fifty+ something's living in their own basements with severe lack of social skills.

Hmm... I would have thought they'd get along better. Let's hope M.A.D. comes into play!

You didn't think that 14 yo basement dwellers could bring down government servers with botnets did you?

Most Anon are in their 20's and well in to their 30's even.

Take it from someone from inside the collective

I don't know but I've been told, that a lot of Anons are
also current or former NSA geeks, (CIA, etc...)

Rebel 5

Of course, umm well , there was a issue with IRC once. Some feds infiltrated one of the IRC rooms and seized moderator privileges and started claiming to be "leaders" of Anonymous. Then banned the original mods. Then tried directing black hat anons to attack gov websites in a honeypot/trap. Then the agent provocateurs were identified and exposed in turn.

Hector "Sabu" is suspected to have been a alphabet agency asset the whole time. The story of how he got caught and then became a informant does not check out. The story that he was "self taught" is also a lie, he was schooled and groomed by the FBI. He was and is a asset hence why he is walking free today.

Some anon Op's were set up in the past to bait and entrap hackers as well. Where the FBI staged the defacement of it;s own web sight and blamed Anonymous. Since anyone can be anon these things can and will happen. But that is just part of the game. The feds can van up a few anonymous here and there. But it is a lost cause because it is international and outside jurisdiction. As well as the fact that anonymous is a Hydra , you remove one head 5 grow in it's place. Where Anonymous is removed , anonymous is replaced exponentially. The feds tried the same approach as they did infiltrating the black panthers, the Klan , several Militas. What they found out is it does not work on anonymous. That the FBI was pissing in the wind thinking there was a leadership behind Anon. It only inspired more to embrace a thriving idea and concept. You cant arrest an idea.
edit on 24-11-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: DarthFazer

Back to the topic, a meting with the KKK

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: DarthFazer

frankly I pay them no mind. I lurked plenty since 08 and the Boxxy days and...well I am never proud to admit it but some of it is ocassionally but on other boards as well

I do so enjoy when they think they can upset me

I'm gonna send you a message...feel free to read or disregard

Anyway...the point is, on topic, that I think the KKK has this poorly constructed idea that the current machination of /b/ represents anon. Frankly I think they parrot what they find from Anon. But if TAKKK thinks they can push the real Anon around...yeesh...that is gonna get ugly for them

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: DarthFazer

Thank you for that well written reply, and your time
to post it.

You know Anon is allegedly now a member of ATS and posting
quite a lot.

Reading through the thread, I got a definite feeling that
the person is being a bit disingenuous. That his (or their)
main purpose for being here, seemed more like recruitment
than anything else and that makes me very skeptical as to
this really being Anon.

I read some of your posts on that thread and it seems you're
convinced its legit.

Is that you're opinion?

Rebel 5

edit on 25-11-2014 by rebelv because: syntax

edit on 25-11-2014 by rebelv because: To shorten the thought

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: KyoZero

/B/ has, and always be connected with Anonymous. Maybe not every Anonymous member posts there anymore, but it's obtuse to think they don't. Much like /b/, Anonymous too is a mixed bag of people. Ranging from dregs of society, to kids, to professionals.

It's a tier like system, the lower the tier the more idiots you'll find. The higher the tier, the more adults you'll find. However, the lowest tier (like in anything) make up the vast majority of Anonymous. And this is why I generalize when it comes to Anonymous. The minority cannot make up for the idiocy of the majority.

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: Auricom
a reply to: KyoZero

/B/ has, and always be connected with Anonymous. Maybe not every Anonymous member posts there anymore, but it's obtuse to think they don't. Much like /b/, Anonymous too is a mixed bag of people. Ranging from dregs of society, to kids, to professionals.

It's a tier like system, the lower the tier the more idiots you'll find. The higher the tier, the more adults you'll find. However, the lowest tier (like in anything) make up the vast majority of Anonymous. And this is why I generalize when it comes to Anonymous. The minority cannot make up for the idiocy of the majority.

Like I said, I am just asking the question. I have never been Anon and don't plan to be. I lack the knolwedge and would prefer to do my campaigning on a different platform ((as in a totally different arena...not like 'anti-Anon'))

I do however generally support their cause. I've seen their history and it amazes what some "basement-dwelling kids" can do

people need to pay attention to these kids...they can make havoc arise

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: KyoZero

As I've stated, I can agree with some of the things they've done (most notably the destruction of underground pedo sites), however there is a lot of things they do which I cannot agree with. Sometimes, they hurt the very people they claim to be for. (I.e. the Paypal attack which cost many mom and pop internet stores who lost revenue.)

My last post regarding this subject as I'd rather debate something else. Thanks.

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