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Why the Increase in the Number of Homeless Children?

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posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: AgentShillington
"The Economy is Improving" is code for "The Stock Market is doing better".

The Poor are getting poorer, and The Rich are getting richer.

That is your answer.

This is the only stat that matters to them "THE RICH ARE GETTING RICHER"

Nothing but this matters.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:10 AM
I think that the data needs to be broken down further to get the big picture and put resources where they are needed the most.

Studies Have Shown That:

One in seven young people between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away>
Youth age 12 to 17 are more at risk of homelessness than adults
75 percent of runaways are female
Estimates of the number of pregnant homeless girls are between 6 and 22 percent
Between 20 and 40 percent of homeless youth identify as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning (GLBTQ)
46 percent of runaway and homeless youth reported being physically abused, 38 percent reported being emotionally abused , and 17 percent reported being forced into unwanted sexual activity by a family or household member
75 percent percent of homeless or runaway youth have dropped out or will drop out of school.

*Please note that many national organizations define homeless and runaway youth differently. For example, the National Alliance to End Homeless defines homeless youth as unaccompanied individuals ages 12 to 24, while the National Coalition for the Homeless defines homeless youth as individuals under the age of 18.
**Please note that the terms "homeless" and "runaway" are used interchangeably as both groups lack adequate shelter and are at a greater risk of engaging in dangerous behaviors while living on the streets.
edit on 20-11-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Jainine When the POTUS opened our borders for illegal children to come in from Latin America. That was several million by itself. We as a nation should not and can not condone what was done to us by politicians. With the illegal kids here is now a pathway for their parents to come in. Now we will have several more million parents showing up because their kids are here. I despise what is being allowed to happen because who is in office.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:53 AM
The floodgates are open, soon enough we will have millions more immigrants working here illegally. Why? Because then employers can pay off the books, no taxes withheld.

Come one come all bring your poor and impoverished bring the sick. We have more than enough to take care of our own here. Our own millionaires that don't even have to pay taxes.

This is only the start of it if obama has his way. I can only hope that we get someone next term that has half a brain of a lab rat and one good eye. They cant do as bad as obama. Just please no more clintons no more bushes. How about we stop keeping it in the family so to speak.

Edit: Maybe my sarcasm was a bit to subtle?
edit on 11/20/2014 by shaneslaughta because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
The floodgates are open, soon enough we will have millions more immigrants working here illegally. Why? Because then employers can pay off the books, no taxes withheld.

Come one come all bring your poor and impoverished bring the sick. We have more than enough to take care of our own here. Our own millionaires that don't even have to pay taxes.

Do we really need anymore children being born or immigrating to the United States? NO

Every child born or entering the county as an immigrant means, wages being driven down by employers due to oversupply of labor and older workers experiencing ever increasing age discrimination due to oversupply of labor. The "owners of capital" are doing their very best to reduce employment opportunities for all of us, whether that means squeezing overhead and laying people off or making more rules to drive the self employed and small businesses out of the market.

Since Americans have ACTIVELY chosen to abandon Unionization and other forms of Collective Bargaining, regular people have lost nearly all means to negotiate stable income streams from the "owners of capital". The only thing left to try is at this point, is reducing population numbers. Note, I don't mean making people into Soylent Green, I mean, culturally imposing an effort to produce less KIDS, whom are willing to work for less and have no understanding of how the workplace operated in the past, there very existence undermines the efforts of the middle and lower classes to have negotiating power with the 1%.

The reality is that people should be highly dissuaded from having kids, today, the only thing they do is make everyone whom is already here poorer. So, parents with useless kids, that only exist to drive wages down, should get slapped with Obamancare penalties and mandatory college tuition. Serves them right for working against the interests of those already here trying to survive. Kids serve no purpose to those whom are not in the 1%. Anyone whom is not in the 1% should never have kids, they are an anchor in the modern economy that has been created by the "owners of capital". Please be aware, this was not always the case and is a VERY NEW phenomena. If people took the time to see the writing on the wall, they would realize that rich kids of the 1% exist to continue and drive legacies, kids of the 99% exist only to help the 1% exert more control, through decreased wages and divisiveness among the previous generations.

End the cycle, punish those whom are immigrating and those whom have created unneeded children at everyone else's expense.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: mikell
They changed the definition of homes. technically if you live in a trailer park your homeless. If you live with your family at your grandparents your homeless. The wife retired from the school system and thats how it now gets reported.


My children live in a trailer, we do not qualify as either homeless or even poor enough for any aid.

Well honestly they offered us 50 bucks a month if we lied about the 3rd income and jumped through hoops.

You are completely clueless on this subject arent you?

I know for a fact, I am living it at present.

If children live in a trailer park they are considered homeless. It doesn't matter if you are making $500K a year. On the flip side. If you move out and stay with a rich uncle in his 50K sq. ft. mansion until you get back on your feet, your children are still considered homeless. This only applies to them, not you. That is according to HUD.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: oblvion

Hmm. Reading comprehension not your thing?
Do you personally know me? What career I have? How much I make? No? Well, if you'd go back and read my post, you'd see I was complaining about the people who scam the system, don't even try to work and just leech off the system. But, I guess you can feel high and mighty, having really told me off, huh? [ Even though you and the ones who awarded your stars have no clue what I do or don't have, much less if I have "plenty" ] And you can feel really special, 'cause you got some stars for your ignorant little rant.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: Jainine

There's that many homeless children because in the united states if you are the poorest of the poorest your existence is illegal. Ever wonder how strange it is that the United States has no shanty towns yet has millions of homeless people?

You can't even pitch a tent to get warm in most places.

It's almost impossible to maintain life living on minimum wage in most places without a support structure of some sort(family, friends, roommates, churches, etc etc). So if you can't afford rent and can't build yourself a # shack somewhere in the and your kids are on the streets. Simple as that.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
No jobs, no money.
No money, no house.
And a system that doesn't really give a rat's a$$. If they actually cared about where all that money goes, they would tighten the chain of proof required to get access to the programs. But, as we saw in some videos in another thread, getting food stamps is so easy, it doesn't even require proof of income, place of residence, etc, etc.

Till we scrape off the leeches, it won't matter how much money is dumped in to the system.

Compared to the money going for corporate welfare and war, the money spent on food stamps is a pittance. Look up the chain when assessing blame.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: anton74
If children live in a trailer park they are considered homeless... That is according to HUD.

This is wrong.

If you have another source for your information, please share it.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: Jainine

There's that many homeless children because in the united states if you are the poorest of the poorest your existence is illegal. Ever wonder how strange it is that the United States has no shanty towns yet has millions of homeless people?

You can't even pitch a tent to get warm in most places.

Here is a list of current tent cities in the United States.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: AgentShillington

Right, check and see how many you can count in comparison to the amount of cities in U.S.

For example, Texas has three.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: AgentShillington

originally posted by: anton74
If children live in a trailer park they are considered homeless... That is according to HUD.

This is wrong.

If you have another source for your information, please share it.

I gave you a star for catching me making a horrible lie. Actually, I wrote the wrong agency. The info you request can be found on page 16 of the report.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: Hoosierdaddy71

originally posted by: oblvion
a reply to: Jainine

Just my personal experience here, but I am a roomie with the exwife and her 7 year boyfriend, we have 3 kids. Even with 3 incomes all full time averaging 5 hours a week overtime, we are struggling.
This nation is soon to be 3rd world status for common folks unless good jobs return or billion dollar corps admit their workers deserve decent wages.

Bottom line the parasitic corps only care about moutains of cash they dont need.

I will be amongst those stealing expensive goods in the next riot.

By which i mean food and cloths.............

Just out of curiosity.
Which mega corporations do the three of you work for? IBM, exxon, general motors, McDonald's?

Actually, you arent far off with EXXON, it is the energy company that owns Sunoco.
My 2 weeks notice was issued 2 days ago, the ex's bfriend just quit 3 days ago.

We both just got better jobs after nearly 2 years.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: anton74

Page 16 of that report gives the same information that I gave. Could you quote the part you believe that supports your claim about trailer parks, because the closest I can find is...

definition of homeless individuals include
any individual or family (1) lacking a fixed,
regular, and adequate nighttime residence;
(2) living in a residence that is a public or
private place not designed for human beings
(e.g., car, park, abandoned buildings); (3)
living in a shelter providing temporary living
arrangements (including hotels and motels),
congregate shelters and transitional housing;

..which doesn't fit your claim, as trailer parks are designed for human beings to reside in, as evidenced by water and electric facilities and areas to park cars. I'm -very- interested in this, because if schools are doing this, it is going to mess with HUD claims, and is going to take money away from children that truly need help.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 10:51 AM
And now with Obama running the country by executive order and advertising amnesty for millions of illegals, I'm wondering how many of them will be homeless poverty stricken children that we will be adding to the numbers. Middle class taxpayers are already over burdened and yet here come millions more homeless and poor to take care of. This could break middle class America.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Jainine

The children of undocumented immigrants are already included in the accounting of homelessness. Please see my previous posts for the definition of homelessness that the government uses to calculate their numbers.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: AgentShillington

Page 16

"The McKinney–Vento School Liaisons count
of homeless school-age children uses the
following definition of homelessness: children
and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and
adequate nighttime residence, and children
living doubled-up with relatives or friends due
to loss of housing or economic hardship—
estimated at 75% of homeless children
nationally (USICH, 2014a) —and those
living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping
grounds, cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned
buildings, substandard housing, bus or train
stations, or similar settings (Samuels, Shinn, &
Buckner, 2010)."

Trailer parks can be considered semi-permanent, it depends on which agency you are talking too.

I am not positive but, I believe this only affects educational needs such as free transportation between school and home if a bus is not available.

edit on 21-11-2014 by anton74 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-11-2014 by anton74 because: (no reason given)

(post by BigProblem removed for a manners violation)

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