posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 07:33 AM
I've been truly captivated by the thunderbird myth since i was a young boy. I even remember a dream i had about it when i was a very young teenager,
an almost primeval feeling of pure awe as this graceful giant eagle glided over the area I used to live, bringing behind it a storm.
Ever since then I've always wondered what it must feel like to see one of these things in real life, as many people claim to have.
There is more than one story of young children being carried off to mountain nests, or in one case being carried off some distance before fighting
back and being dropped, if memory serves, one boy survived while another tale tells of a not so fortunate child. Overly large eagles or the so called
thunderbird? Apparently no bird should be able to carry a healthy human of the age these children were (about 6 or 7 i think) and no bird would have
the "instinctual fault" to try such a thing.
As far as i can remember also, the teratorn is the western name for the argentivas magnificens - they are the same bird, a giant vulture-like bird
who is supposedly extinct. In my mind this or something very similar is the most likely explanation for those credible thunderbird sightings, I don't
buy into the prehistoric pterosaur theory at all.
If such a creature were to exist i can only hope that one day i might be fortunate to have my breath taken away as it swoops overhead, I find it hard
to imagine a more majestic sight as i have been interested in birds of prey from a young age.
There is a video shot by a fisherman named texas john huffer of a pair of raptors he believed to be too large to be eagles - the film has been
analysed by ornithologists and is inconclusive but most probably nothing cryptozoological, although the fisherman who shot the video swears the birds
were abnormally large (12ft wingspan).
I've also come across the nailed to a barn pic, but know not what to make of it, especially as i don't remember whether i've actually seen the pic
or merely read about it in years past and reconstructed a pic in my memory. I'd certainly seen those civil war style pics before.
It would be good if someone could find the barn pic and post it...
As far as that boy and his giant feather link... why not photo the feather next to a ruler or person instead of enlarging a pigeon feather and
grafting a ruler on afterwards to make it look larger than it is?