posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to:
For shure you can give him the benefit of the doubt. My point wasnt about the possibility of the pictures being legit. The post was meant to show that
Epp, regarding to his own story, was always at the right place at the right time though never actively involved in this secret programs. And on top of
that, even as he only was a aircraft mechanic/engineer during the war, after the war he allegedly got lots of infos from high ranking People involved
in this programs. His story in a complete form doesnt make sense to me. There is much better stuff out there about german flying saucers. No need for
Epp, so why try to include him in the big picture? There is nothing in his story technically or program wise that expands the picture. He is just
telling what lusar wrote plus his own designs, that lack any of the revolutionary aspects of the so called Habermohl or Miethe designs. And lack any
usability as all.