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Unsuspecting middle school students terrified by active shooter drill.

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posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: snarky412

Maybe they are trying to desensitize the kids getting them used to seeing this kind of crap happening with our law enforcement

Any chance to frighten a bunch of kids.

Drill baby drill.

edit on 14-11-2014 by intrptr because: bb code

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: jude11
So if a teacher was legally carrying a weapon and shot the cops, what then?

They have every right to fire on the gun carrying idiots if protecting their students.

Also, what would happen if the cops fired back and injured the teacher or even killed him/her? Or a student gets caught in the crossfire?


Ah, point well taken

Good spin on what 'could have' happened
That would really have been a total FUBAR situation big time

Thank goodness that situation did not play out!!


a reply to: intrptr

Hey, maybe we should have a terrorist drill outside the police station and see how they like it. Just kidding. They would have a freaking heart attack and kill every for miles around.'s funny to talk about such a case, but in all seriousness, you are correct
They would freak out just like they caused the kids and their parents to
edit on 14-11-2014 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:56 PM
Glad I don't live there. My kid would be going to school with a pistol on his hip...

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:01 AM
I remember fire drills as a child. I don't remember anyone feeling the need to actually light the school on fire to see how we would react in a "real event". This is just completely insane!

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: AnIntellectualRedneck
Congratulations Florida police department. All you did was teach these kids that cops are total, grade A jerks that think bursting into classrooms and making children believe their lives are in danger is somehow a good thing.

As though we in the United States live in an active war zone or something.

We are in an active war zone. Most people don't realize it yet. Missouri should show us real well soon.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:51 AM
Anyone think that maybe the real intent was for the 'drill' to escalate?

Last week we had the video of that cop that slapped a guy in an obvious attempt to get him to self-defend, and then the cop would have been 'justified' in killing the guy.

Well, all we needed in that school was one teacher reacting in a self defense manner, one kid reacting in a self defense manner, and all hell would have broke loose.

I'm starting to wonder why when we had the 'duck and cover' drills back in the 50s and 60s (fun times) they didn't set off a small nuke out on the playground so we'd get the whole effect.

We need to truly find out, SOON, what exactly is going on with the police departments in this country. Are they putting quadruple doses of fluoride in the coffee water? Roids in the donuts? Are they all helping themselves to the evidence locker meth before they get geared up for a 'drill?'

This is indeed terrorism and not only should it NOT BE TOLERATED, but everyone who okayed this, planned it and undertook it should pay with their pensions, their assets, and their freedom.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 10:12 AM
the teachers should have been in on the drill, and the LEOs participating shouldn't have been officers on duty, and those weapons should have been rubber ducks, aka dummy weapons like these:

Although, I do see why they did a surprise drill, a shooter never calls up and says, "Hey, I'm going to drop by and shoot up your school, so be ready okay?"

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: HomerinNC

So to drill schools for what a bomb going off is like, we should bomb the school?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

The gov must be getting ready for another false flag operation-so that they can try grabbing guns again.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: FalcoFan

Unfortunately, I was thinking along those same lines. If not preparing for a false flag then certainly administering a bit of Totalitarian Tip-toe. If kids these days are constantly being bombarded with events like this eventually it will become the norm and no one will question why there are militarized police patroling your local high school campus.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: HomerinNC

That is exactly what I was thinking.

Why didn't they just use blue guns? Those things are MADE for tactical response training and are much cheaper and safer than actual firearms. They are made to resemble the actual firearm down to the exact weight of the actual weapon, including a loaded magazine. Blue guns are no different for training muscle memory than the real thing. It makes no sense not to use them.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Many here have mirrored My thoughts on this. What If even a Student's Parent had happened to be in the school at the time, and that would not be unreasonable for one to be there in the office for whatever reason and had a legal carry hand gun holstered, they could have thought the Police may have not actually been Real Cops, and shoot one of them in self defense? Would they actually be to blame in the actions? Those Cops pulling hat little stunt is just some more conditioning, but actually more of a Terrorism act!!! Syx.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: SyxPak
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat
Those Cops pulling hat little stunt is just some more conditioning, but actually more of a Terrorism act!!! Syx.

That is exactly what was going on, in my personal opinion. There is just no rational reason why they should barge into a middle school pointing loaded guns at the students. The "they had no choice but to not tell anyone because real life emergencies don't come with a warning" line is BS otherwise, what is the point in doing all of those staged drills in the first place? Notice, the no warning in real life excuse only actually applies to the students and faculty, not the police, as THEY KNEW the drill was going to take place, the police were the ones training, not the students. It is definitely akin to an act of terrorism and should never have happened the way it did.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat
This is child abuse. If a parent did this to their own kid,
they would throw him/her in jail.

These kids could be traumatized for the rest of their
lives because of this.

Rebel 5

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

"Exactly what was going on" as far as those Cops doing something that was wrong, should be seen by everyone who has read this Story, and should NOT be taken lightly!!!
Plus I think it is more than just Bull sh it!! is there really any words than can describe this intollerable act of Terrorism?!? I mean really??!
"they had no choice but to not tell anyone because real life emergencies don't come with a warning" is such a line of Crap, but it doesn't amaze Me that 'they' would throw it out to try to cover 'their' Ass!!!
Wow, just Wow...... Syx.......

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: rebelv

I starred Your reply here because it is totally correct! We would be jailed for doing something like this.
Even if We said, 'Oh, We just want to make these kids realize that this could actually happen for real, and just want Them all to know what it would be like.' to try to justify the act, it would land us behind bars. So why not have that same Punishment for those Cops?

Like I just said to CagliostroTheGreat , "Wow, just Wow"...... Syx.

edit on 15-11-2014 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:49 PM
Charge them with terrorism, terroristic activity, terroristic threats, etc.
This is state sponsored terrorism...there is no clearer definition.

The trauma to the kids and teachers is actionable in court for
punitive damages as well...after the criminal charges are brought
and successfully tried.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Btw-when have the cops ever shown up quick enough to take down schools shooters?

Don't the shooters just cap themselves or are beaten down by a teacher/administrator?

The police have proven to be ineffective in these situations-at school shootings,I mean.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: FalcoFan

Well, to be fair, the shooters usually only shoot themselves when the cops finally do show up. I agree that the police are relatively ineffective in these situations but, like I said, most of the time all the need to do is show up. The shooter knows they aren't going to get out alive, they likely don't want to. So when the cops show up they just call game over and ice themselves. At least that is how it plays out most of the time.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

So they merely need to be trained to show up?

I would use a few armed ex military personnel in each school as teachers/faculty.

It would give jobs to our veterans-and-give an immediate response to an active shooter.

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