posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 05:04 PM
It was clear before the election that a civil war was brewing within the Republican party. None of them were going to go against Bush during an
election year, but it was clear that there were fundemental idealogical issue between seperate factions.
While moderates and conservatives isn't, perhaps, the right way to put it. It almost seems it's a battle between the traditionalists and the
opportunists. Because of the cold war, the republican party was transformed into a group of stoic, diplomat-warriors. Globalists, in the sense that
that America could only survive if she played the international chess game. Politics was the primary battle ground. Wars were almost a last resort.
Traditionalists would include Reagan, Nixon, Bush Sr., Colin Powell etc, etc. They understand that America's power is half real, half illusion.
It's the shark fin in the water, you show a little, so you don't have to show a lot. It's not that we're the most powerful, just the most able to
galvanize our resources and direct them. Also, while not vocal, they understand that abortion is too detrimental to touch, so none of them ever tooks
steps to roll it back.
Siding with them are the moderates like Guliani, Chuck Hagel, Governor Arnie, McCain. Populists. Pat Buchanan is SO far right, that he doesn't fit in
with the opportunists.
The opportunists are the Neo-conservatives and the Religious right. People who drank the kool-aid. People who fundementally doesn't understand that
America's power, how ever great, is not unlimited. It doesn't stretch like a rubber band. They don't understand that it can break when pushed too
far. The Neo-conservatives exploit the religious right to energize the base, essentially hijacking the party from the traditionalists.
There are a lot of really smart people in the Republican party. People who understand the difference between the world we want, and the world that is.
People who understand that this opportunistic conservatism is simply a fad, and will lose its momentum. I don't think they'll stand by and watch
their power and influence squandered by the opportunists and the kool-aid drinkers.
I predict we'll see flare ups between now and the next election, especially when the botton drops out in Iraq. It will be potentially embaressing
Bush, but the guy's made of teflon. Things will get really bloody when they pick their opposing candidates in 08. Guliani vs. Frist, or some other
hard liner conservative. Either way, half the party isn't going to be happy with the guy they pick.