or maybe they could cut back from chowing down on fast food 24/7, and exercise... but that would require EFFORT on their part so screw it, bring on
the dope.
Now I know "some" of them can't help it but a lot of them can.
They need to get this drug out like quick. Obesity is worse than smoking. There are more fat asses in America than smokers, yet smokers get taxed and
harrassed and such.
Where is the twinkie and mc donalds food taxes we need to curb this deadlier than tobacco epidemic?
there seems to be a flood of obesity drugs on the market these days. i take one it is called Tenuate Dospan, it is purty good you take it in the
morning and it cuts off signals from your stomach to ya brain, it doesnt tell you your hungry or if your full you just dont think about it. like today
i had a piece of toast for breackfast an orange and a chicken sandwich fo lunch and 2 eggs on toast for dinner, and i didnt even nned to eat them. i
wasnt hungry its just that i knew i had to eat something or i wuldnt eat. I recomend it to any one that is obiese plus you should exercise too just
walking for an hour each day will help you shed your fat real fast.
Whatever it takes to take the discipline and willpower need out of the American way of life. We'll be sorry, lazy office rats, but we'll look
darned good, huh? Kind of like an empty bottle of Wild Turkey; pretty, but worthless.
Makes me proud NOT to be an american. I actually had the will power to lose 55lbs then gain another 40 lbs of muscle through weightlifting, the good
ol' fashion way. And for the record, I can't stand the supplement industry