posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to:
I also agree,
human condition and behavior is not to be tallied, calculated or estimated by some rolling of the dice from someone(s) in a transfixed place of
Yet, IMO, if you get (trap) the best of the best (healthwise) men and women into yet another conflict or situation of mental disability or alertness
(here or abroad) then what do we have left to defend us?
On this subject...I'd rather have a sh*tload of Marines/or other in town ...rather than NOT. Wouldn't you?
Who is left to defend you? The saggy-baggy pants kid with the Beiber haircut on the corner? God Help us all.
*Despite what we ALL think, do you honestly believe that ALL of OUR possible scenarios haven't been thought out? Considering how people behave online
(not to mention how cold people are that we run into every day), our DISTRACTIONS, our LUXURIES that the US is the EASIEST, most fragile country to
eeshhh. People panic and get angry over losing their cable, internet or local grocery checkout for 40 minutes.
Easy indeed. The least of my problems would be to worried about armed troops lol.
edit on 6-11-2014 by dianashay because: (no reason given)