posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 11:46 PM
In this forum for conspiracy theories, the one right in front of our noses is the one we most often ignore. The subjugation of Africans globally, but
most prominently in America, used to be overt, in segregated schools, extremely fewer work opportunities, and a fierce national hatred.
Today, the subjugation is covert. This makes it all the more sinister. You can defend yourself till the cows come home that you aren't a racist
because you don't segregate, you hire African Americans, you don't use the N word. But given the sames chances in life as a white American, the
African American will always come up short. Small transgressions by the everyday folk coupled with the massive ones masked by "urban violence
control" and legislation, such as those laws requiring an ID to vote, result in one of the greatest conspiracies of our time. This is a conspiracy
that white people may benefit from, so is difficult to let go, but a huge fraction of our fellow Americans are suffering because of our opportunities.
Ferguson is not a single event. This is happening daily. Every single day you can find a story of a black man shot and killed for something that
would leave a white man in jail at worst, or at best just ignored. Ferguson is just the most visible it has been to us because the media can't
ignore something this big. That's why they don't want the media in Ferguson. There have been protests weekly since Michael Brown's death, but
have you heard about them?
That's how they want it.