posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 06:21 PM
I just got a crock pot for the first time and I have been loving it. Thanks for the recipe, mind if I share one I made recently?
It's already getting pretty late in the day, but if you want to plan for tomorrow this is a delicious recipe.
1 - Go to the store tonight and buy a pork shoulder (also called pork putt). I like bone-in
2 - take 1 cup of salt, 1 and 3/4 cups of sugar, a few garlic cloves, onion scraps, peppercorns, and a bay leaf or two. bring to close to a boil with
8 cups of water and then cool. This your brine. Throw the pork shoulder in the fridge submerged in the brine overnight
3 - Good morning! Drain the brine, and take 3/4tbs chilli powder, 1tsp cumin, 1tsp cinnamon, a little salt and pepper, dijon and maple syrup. mix this
all together.
4 - Slice one large onion and a few garlic cloves and throw them in the bottom of the crock pot, then smother your pork shoulder in the maple dijon
spiced rub it in the crock pot on high for 6-8 hours or on low from 8-12 hours. its ready when it pulls apart easily, but don't worry too much cause
it's hard to overcook.
5 - Throw your cooked hunk of meat on a big surface and pull it all apart with 2 forks, throw away large pieces of fat and bones. Strain the onions
and add them to the meat, then take all your liquid and spoon the fat off. Reduce it in a pan until you have only 2 or 3 cups left and then add it
back to your pulled pork.
6 - Add bbq sauce for southern style pulled pork, use for tacos, pulled pork mac and cheese, salads, ect. and freeze for later! Thanks for reading,
hope someone enjoys this as much as I do.