posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to:
I'm not so sure about the effect of this move on the price of gold as Karen Hudes say there is 360,000 tonnes of gold in the Philippines.
Then again Paul Craig Roberts has an excellent article on how the price of gold has been artificially held down as a favor for some too big to fail
banks. He also says the FED is likely to get screwed from both ends that slowly moving towards the middle.
The important thing with the situation in Switzerland is that they seem to ruled by 'we the people' because they make the executive decisions in the
country, not the politicians nor the (non in this case) ruling elite.
As a model of government, we can all learn a lot from the Swiss experience.
The great thing about the Swiss model is that because the servant government has to get permission from 'we the people' before they can implement a
major decisions, it effectively sidelines the lobbyists and the rich and powerful.
edit on 2-11-2014 by learnatic because: typo