posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 06:49 PM
Ok before i get dragged out and shot, hear my thoughts out on this one.
We all know that SUV (4x4) vehicles are huge gas guzzling pollution spitting monsters. But this may work in the planets favour.
We know that the earth can (when given time) heal itself of just about anything. (including humans) However at present by driving low emission
(petroleum oil based) vehicles we are just prolonging the damage and thus healing. I fully realise that the technology for things such as hydrogen
based fuels and other none polluting fuels has been around for many years, but it is quite evident that it has been made finacially unviable (or just
plain suppressed) by the folk who control the oil market.
With SUV's instead of low consumption (and emission) vehicles though, the oil reserves will be depleted at a faster rate than current. Whilst bad in
the short term, it does possibly help in the long term.
To throw an example (of enterly fake figures) If at current we have 20 years of petroleum fuels left using low emission cars, and only 10 years by
using big SUV's. Then once the oil has gone in those 10 years, the strangle hold monopoly that the oil barons have over use is lost....
New means of fuel will be needed to prevent economic crash, Which I believe will only be possible by making "clean" fuels. Thus freeing the earth
for the healing process, and also providing us with methods of transport that are potentially far more efficient than combustion engines.
So have I completly lost my mind or should we all be driving SUV's in first gear everywhere????
[edit on 9-12-2004 by feygan]