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Will the USA force every citizen to get an Ebola vaccine?

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posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:12 PM
in reference to: Ebola: The making of a $1 billion drug

If you read this it suggests there will eventually be a vaccine for Ebola developed by companies like GlaxoSmithKlein (GSK), NewLink Genetics (NLNK), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and Bavarian Nordic. Even though there is little jusification for enforcing something like a mandatory vaccination of all US citizens, the climate is right for the government to get enough public approval, and they will approve despite the potential negative consequences of a vaccine only given a short term trial for safety.

I'm thinking back to 2009 when the CDC and the news media created a false scare about the H1N1 virus for the sake of encouraging as many people as possible to get a flu vaccine. When it was revealed that estimates of those who contracted the H1N1 strain of influenza were inflated, it became clear to me that what people were reading about in the news was a manufactured reality, probably designed to sell vaccines. It looks like Big Pharma is now going to move once again to take advantage of a bad situation and NOT necessarily in the name of public health and safety.

I just saw this too:
Why We're Holding An Ebola Nurse Hostage

...which is great because you see there's a bureaucratic web in place that will ensnare the public while nobody trusts anybody! I recall New Jersey was making it mandatory for kids 5-years-old and under to have a FLU VACCINE or they could be refused attendance at a public school. You know they would hastily agree to create a law mandating that every citizen has an Ebola vaccine (once developed) even if your chances of getting Ebola in the USA are miniscule.

edit on -05:00America/Chicago31Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:13:42 -0500201442312 by Petros312 because: Wording

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Petros312

You know they would hastily agree to create a law mandating that every citizen has an Ebola vaccine (once developed) even if your chances of getting Ebola in the USA are miniscule.

Who's going to pay for it?

Thats a ton of doses to give everyone a vaccine for a virus that only one person in America currently has.

I haven't taken a vaccine for anything in years.

Heres to the hype, clink.

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:22 PM
Short answer , NO.

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Petros312

Who's going to pay for it?
Thats a ton of doses to give everyone a vaccine for a virus that only one person in America currently has.

Have you not heard of the Affordable Care Act -- the one that made it a law that every single person in the USA be responsible for having a health insurance plan and paying for it (unless under a certain income and other exemptions apply) ? The government can easily make it a law that you a) must get the vaccine, and b) you're required to pay 40% of the cost because that's their definition of "affordable."

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Petros312

(unless under a certain income and other exemptions apply)

Thats me. I don't qualify, they can't make me take anything.

But I guess they will slip it in the next time I get a tooth pulled. We can't escape the net. And by the time we die they will take everything we own.
edit on 28-10-2014 by intrptr because: BB code

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Petros312

I'd like to see them try to force that on me.

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:51 PM
Shocking on the New Jersey law for 5yo and under. There needs to be a new religion. Call it New Independent Life Choices aka Stay Out of My Business. NILC established today and located everywhere. Then check the religious exemption form and go about your independent life. In fact I think I'll start it.

The government may not show up at your door with SWAT but they can strong arm you. So depending on how determined you in spite of the discomfort they dump on you, it may or may not be effective.

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 12:52 PM
yes it will become mandatory...[but after the election of course]
there will also be a inhaled vaccine and the typical hypo or high-pressure gun to deliver these doses of vaccine...

it , Obama-Ebola, will become just as much a 'circus' as was the past generation Swine Flu mass inoculation scare

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 01:03 PM
It's not possible to force everyone in the US to take a vaccine. Even if they offered everyone $25 walmart gift card, they couldn't get everyone to do it. If people were dying by the 1000's, people would still refuse to take the vaccine.

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 01:08 PM
They wouldn't have to force me, I would willingly take an Ebola Vaccine.

Been vaccinated against almost every other thing they can possibly vaccinate you for,
so one more couldn't hurt...

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Petros312

Wait wait wait a second here....You fought me tooth and nail that there was no ebola problem on my thread...Now you are asking if everyone will have to get an Ebola vaccine? WHY?? THERE IS NO PROBLEM ACCORDING TO YOU!!

Please feel free to revisit my thread and search for yourself and your posts if you don't believe me....

edit on 10/28/2014 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 01:12 PM
NO. that would not be in a pharmeacuticals industrys interests unless profits were worth this action. And until Ebola is a full blown pandemic, there is no need, the strain will continue to mutate and by the time one vaccine was ready to treat all americans citizens the Ebola virus could have mutated to overcome that vaccine. And it would take a very long time to make a vaccination for all of the public. They make more money off the flu shot, which kills 36,000 people every year just in this country alone

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Petros312

I wouldn't trust it. I don't even trust getting a flu vaccine. No thank you.

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein
a reply to: Petros312

Wait wait wait a second here....You fought me tooth and nail that there was no ebola problem on my thread...Now you are asking if everyone will have to get an Ebola vaccine? WHY?? THERE IS NO PROBLEM ACCORDING TO YOU!!

Please feel free to revisit my thread and search for yourself and your posts if you don't believe me....

The primary disagreement at the other thread was over Ebola mutating to become an airborne virus, which is a topic that the news media offered as sheer speculation disguised as an actual threat. Above, I still say, "your chances of getting Ebola in the USA are miniscule." Taken with THIS thread, I'm talking about a POLITICAL problem, one that might lead to having civil rights violated (once again).

People are STILL not getting sick in the USA and certainly not dying by the thousands, but you see the news media is still talking about an "outbreak" and what needs to be done to prepare for the worst. My concern is that, given what the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry tried to do with H1N1 "pandemic" scare (i.e., no greater threat than any other flu yet you NEED to be vaccinated), there's going to be a forced vaccination program against Ebola done so that somebody can make lots of money and disguised in the name of public health. I can see them making the same kind of slogans they did in 2009: "The best way to protect yourself is get a shot." You're not being a responsible citizen unless you "inoculate" yourself.

posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: Glassbender777
NO. that would not be in a pharmeacuticals industrys interests unless profits were worth this action. And until Ebola is a full blown pandemic, there is no need, the strain will continue to mutate and by the time one vaccine was ready to treat all americans citizens the Ebola virus could have mutated to overcome that vaccine. And it would take a very long time to make a vaccination for all of the public. They make more money off the flu shot, which kills 36,000 people every year just in this country alone

So then in terms of profit, you think only something like the flu vaccine would be lucrative enough to enforce?

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 02:03 AM
I knew they were moving swiftly:

"Canada has donated 800 vials of an experimental Ebola vaccine to WHO.

The vaccine, developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and known as VSV-EBOV, has been sent to the U.S. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Maryland for testing on healthy volunteers, with preliminary results about its safety expected by December. The next stage would be to test it more broadly, including among those directly handling Ebola cases in West Africa."

I would NOT want to be one of those "healthy volunteers."

edit on -05:00America/Chicago30Sat, 01 Nov 2014 02:06:24 -0500201424312 by Petros312 because: Formatting

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