I came across a video on YouTube (no idea how I found it) and it is disturbing to say the least. Most people are aware of how bird and swine flu came
about, namely humans being in constant proximity to the animals, allowing the virus to mutate and affect humans. Well, this video shows that people
who brought us swine and avian flu are also quite proficient in cooking sewer rats, so a rat flu isn't as far-fetched as it seems. Interested to know
people's take on this. Don't watch the video if you plan on eating soon!
edit on th06amTue, 28 Oct 2014 06:30:14 -050031America/Chicago28 by Sharted because: (no reason given)
Funny timing as I was just joking half an hour ago that I have the ultimate prepper plan... Use an electronic rat zapper to catch and eat rats. Nobody
would even know you had food! Would need a solar battery charger though. My freezer has a bag full of frozen rats at the moment.... I feed them to our
pet snake.