Hi all firstly allow me to apologize for allowing myself to be baited by the naysayers and orthodox. As on Ma'at I allowed myself to become embroiled
in meaningless banter while allowing them to digress the thread. It will not happen again. So onward we go. Please note that I will totally ignore
inflammatory remarks and posts from certain posters and immediately report them to the moderators.
The Giza Pyramids or monuments if you will appear to be haphazard but they nicely form a 9 by 11 rectangle. The meaured sizes are 1417.5 cubits
allowing 20.62 inches per cubit by 1732.5 cubits. Click all images for a larger view
Now I have also claimed that The Great Pyramid is an exact image of The Giza Plateau but in a smaller (1 to 5.4) scale. I will post proof of that
later but it is to The Great Pyramid that we will now go to show that 9 by 11 on the plateau in our rectangle is no fluke or co-incidnece.
Most who know anything about the pyramids know that the accepted size of The Great Pyramid is base of 440 cubits and height of 280 cubits or if we use
40 as our unit of measure we get 11 (base) by 7 (height) and there most research stops allowing these elements to continue but I have I think come up
with something original and it is quite extraordinary. Firstly here is a great image copyright to Gary Osborn of The Great Pyramid to scale. Remember
click image below for a larger image.
As I said most researchers, including myself have always used 40 and arrived at 11 by 7 or 1/2 base or 5.5 by 7 in height but I was looking at this
image of John Legon and had a thought. Here is the image.
However here were John Legon measurements:
Now the reason what I have discovered has not been found before is because everyone including myself knew that the measurement from the center of The
Queen's Chamber to the center of The King's Chamber was 21 cubits and we always used that and it yielded nothing of consequence and then suddenly just
the other day I saw this image again and decided to do this to it. I decided to call the distance 22 cubits instead of 21 and things just began to
fall into place.
Once we establish the center distances as 22 cubits IT NOW BECOMES OUR BASE UNIT ! So the unit of measure we base everything else on now is the
distance (or so I thought) between the centers of The King's and Queen's Chambers and from that one thought comes this.
The base now becomes 198 (220 - 22) and 242 (220 + 22) but it also becomes very cleverly 9 and 11 ! For 198 is 9 x 22 and 242 is 11 x 22. Very clever.
Observe ...
But that is just a scratch on the surface for if we measure the distance from where the shafts would exit the pyramid we get a distance also equal to
198 cubits and we have this diagram:
But then we draw a (blue) line joing the two 198 cubit lines and we create a parallelogram Observe what happens when we draw one more line:
Okay let's draw a few more lines and finish an astounding image:
Okay and just a couple more ...
Okay this image also shows us that where the King's Chamber shafts meet is precisely half way between the pyrmaid floor base and a line drawn where
the shafts would exit the chamber. Observe ...
Okay seeing everything fit so perfectly I was convinced that the distance between the two centers had to be 22 cubits but the only source I could find
was Petrie and this is what he had to say:
The position of the King's Chamber in the Pyramid is defined thus: N. wall at base 330.6 ± .8 S. of centre of Pyramid; S. wall 537.0 ± .8 from
centre; E. wall (284.4 ± 20.7) = 305.1 ± 3.0 E. of centre; W. wall 107.7 ± 3.0 W. of centre. Base of walls 1686.3 to 1688.5 ± .6 above pavement;
actual floor 1691.4 to 1693.7 ± .6 above pavement; ceiling 1921.6 to 1923.7 ± .6 above pavement.
So from wall to wall divided by two would yield our center distance and here it was ... or so I thought for 330.6 + 537 = 867.6 and divided by two
gives us 433.8 inches and given 20.62 inches per cubit we get, according to Petrie, 21.04 cubits and with the allowable error precisely 21 cubits NOT
22. but I was convinced that my design was correct so where was I going wrong and then I saw the light. I once again managed to see again how
unbeleiveably clever the builders were and what a great sense of humor they had for I had forgotten the main theme of this thread and a lot of my
research and that was 9 and 11 and then the obvious solution revelaed itself to me and that will be for my next installment.
Don Barone
edit on 27-10-2014 by Ahatmose because: spelling