posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 10:27 AM
While I disagree with Law Enforcement raiding people who grow certain(or any) plants that have medicinal value, in California it is obvious that most
product that is sold is for recreational purposes and many growers and distributors do not seem to understand the difference between medical and
recreational. This might be a reason why the FEDs and even State cops like to keep going after California growers. The guys they bust are generally
the ones who boast about their activities.
As for the shirt, it is in poor taste. Forget the federal laws and realize that this cop, a person who likely truly believes he is on a higher moral
ground that certain folks with a green thumb, is busting people for simply growing a plant. What kind of society that claims to have freedom and
justice, still sends it a militarized SWAT team over people simply growing plants?
As for the cartel comment and someone who suggested these grow-ops are connected, I think that is grasping at straws. Because of the medical cannabis
explosion, and so many people growing in the US, our friends south of the border have been planting other products on what was once cannabis fields,
products like avocados.