posted on Oct, 27 2014 @ 06:51 PM
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Neanderthal have never been a pure race, they were human and at some for some time of human history, they have been the accumulation of Man's
developement. The only real differences have been the global distribution and adaptations in isolated populations, and years of shared adaptations,
between isolated populations.
There isn't a man alive today that is genetically similar to the modern human that migrated into Eurasia as homo sapiens.
There has been a lot of volcanic activity in Northern Europe during the time Neanderthal vanished. Italy, Germany and so on have been hazzard zones.
The Neanderthal way of life in small groups of people probably made it a lot harder for them to survive, spread a lot further apart for them to
maintain their numbers among their own, or even at all at some time.
They probably didn't get hunted to extinction, as we still hold their genes within us. We probably beat them in numbers as it isn't custom to
interbreed with your food or kill people that look different. They would have been enslaved sooner, as modern man proved to be a selfish, arrogant
and lazy type of people.
But that's all just speculation though. To me it makes a lot more sense anyway...