posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 10:37 AM
Another neat technique I've learned that isn't nearly half as cool as this, but nonetheless just as 'scratch-gourmet' is to
1) Take equal parts, tea (whatever kind), rice, and brown sugar and mix them up in a fire-proof basin (like a cast-iron skillet,
pyrex casserole dish, or your helmet or something).
2) Cover it with foil and poke several holes in the foil with a toothpick (or you could even use a fire-proof screen mesh if you wanna be
3)On top of this, grease it down with some lipid that has a high smoking point (like canola oil, peanut oil, etc) then place your fish or whatever
that you'd like to smoke in even strips all along the area of greased, perforated foil, then generously salt, pepper & season yr protein.
4) Cover the whole shebang with more foil (or your lid if you happen to be using decent cook-ware, but try to make that sucker air-tight, tho some
smoke is going to naturally escape and will set off fire alarms, so do this outside, or set your stove-top fan to 'high.'
5) Then set that f*cker on a flame to smoke for about 15-20 minutes.
Ancient Chinese cooking secret to smok'd fish.
*caramelized and burnt sugar is a b*tch to clean, so another method that would work amost as well would be to take yr tea, sugar and rice mixture and
stick it into soft-ball sized balls of foil, then perforate them all over with a tooth-pick, or fork or whatever - but these will take longer to burn
and start smoking.
It's nice to talk recipes before work. Have a great day, all!