posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 12:34 PM
Note: Didn't this forum used to be called "Dreams and Predictions"? This thread is about a dream I had and my attempt to understand it.
I just awoke from a most unusual dream. But then again, are there such things as normal ones? If so, we probably forget.
Anyway, I'm on a class trip to what I want to say is Pennhurst Asylum. The subject of the tour, however, is Capital Punishment, specifically
execution by firing squad. Our tour guide chooses volunteers for a demonstration to act as condemned inmates (one of whom happenes to be my manager
from work
) The execution demonstration involves shooting blanks, and exploding fake blood packs like in the movies. But that's not why I'm
writing this.
The mock execution involved a very strange ritual. It began with five or so "inmates" being lined up against a wall with their backs turned to the
rest of us. (I should mention that at no point did any of this seem sinister or macabre despite the theme of the tour.) Eyes are then painted on the
backs of their heads, including a third eye (because apparently there's no time for enlightenment like when you're about to get your brains legally
sprayed onto a wall.) The volunteers then recite the Universal Prayer for the Condemned:
Saidobigon, et Dobigon (Sigh-DOH-big-Gone et DOH-big-Gone)
My mind is true; my mind is strong...
That's all I can remember of the actual prayer. Dreams are so fickle that way. The object of reciting it just before you are executed is to allow God
to find your soul and take you in "if you so choose". Our guide tells us to remember those words as they are the most important ones we may ever
need. Apparently the odds of winding up on Death Row are much higher than I would have guessed. The "inmates" are then executed with all the
corn-syrupy special effects of the movies, and I wake up.
I immediately came downstairs and Googled the phrase "Saidobigon Et Dobigon" with various alternate spellings but yeilded no results. In my dream it
was apparently as common as the Lord's Prayer but upon waking it's only Latin-sounding gibberish. Thoughts?
Happy Halloween!