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I am 29, and I believe in Santa Clause

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posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 10:46 PM
Alright already, we've heard the true story behind Santa Claus. Personally, I don't care! lol!!!! Mr. Guy in the darkness, it isn't that funny, grow up and learn how to type.

When we deny ignorance, we must deny it in all parts of our lives. I feel I am simply helping stop the flood of ignorance on this board when I post. I know people are welcome to their opinions, and whether or not they believe in Santa Claus, but we don't need to hear it, ladies and gentlemen! Just because I had bloody stool the other day and I think that because of it, the world is going to end, doesn't mean I need to post it on this board. Keep your personal life to yourselves people! Unless it truly helps prove a point, then leave it out!

This thread started as an annoyance, and continues to be one. I know I do not help it's disappearance by continuing to post, but there are many others out there just like this! They suck up space on this virtual forum! Making it hard for members truly wanting to learn something, to learn something! I hope this message is spread: Don't make useless posts or replies. It is said often enough by the administrators and moderators, please listen to them. It gets so annoying when people spout off their big, gaping mouths just because they can.

Here is a perfect example of what I speak of! Many of the first replies are utterly useless! Although they might make you chuckle for half a second at first, it gets annoying when you have to scroll down the page for five minutes to look for anything, ANYTHING, relevant! It is getting out of hand people, so do your best to deny ignorance, stupidity, and a bad sense of when not to post.

Thank you!

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:31 PM
“When we deny ignorance, we must deny it in all parts of our lives. I feel I am simply helping stop the flood of ignorance on this board when I post.”

It must be hard for you to have to read so many ignorant posts and an even greater burden, as a self appointed moderator, to be tasked with holding back the flood gates of drivel you are forced to read. Your effort is one of the noblest acts of self sacrifice I’ve seen for quite some time. Especially so when you have to read about subjects in which you have no interest. It reminds me of the spirit of charity that the icon of Santa Clause has come to embody.

“I know people are welcome to their opinions, and whether or not they believe in Santa Claus, but we don't need to hear it, ladies and gentlemen! Just because I had bloody stool the other day and I think that because of it, the world is going to end, doesn't mean I need to post it on this board. Keep your personal life to yourselves people! Unless it truly helps prove a point, then leave it out!”

Ok everybody please keep in mind when you post that while you are entitled to your opinions Kompactor has charitably agreed to read your posts and he is not interested in reading about your personal life as it may or may not pertain to the subject. He is only interested if you discuss other people’s experiences. Think of Kompactors burden and in the spirit of Christmas remember that it is better to give than to receive and by give I mean shut up.

“This thread started as an annoyance, and continues to be one. I know I do not help it's disappearance by continuing to post, but there are many others out there just like this! They suck up space on this virtual forum! Making it hard for members truly wanting to learn something, to learn something! I hope this message is spread: Don't make useless posts or replies. It is said often enough by the administrators and moderators, please listen to them. It gets so annoying when people spout off their big, gaping mouths just because they can.”

I agree whole heartedly but confess that my mouth has fallen open in what could only be described as a gape while reading this thread. Sorry. If only the real moderators were as intelligent and diligent as you they would know how annoying this thread is, sigh. I agree it would be useless for anyone to argue with your impeccable logic and I also hope your message is spread far and wide. I hope those lazy real moderators see your post and take immediate action. I so detest trolls don’t you? Your tolerance and forbearance in this matter shows me that while Santa Clause embodies the spirit of the holidays he apparently dwells in you year round. This thought gives me hope in a world that so often seems to be indifferent to the needs of others.

“Here is a perfect example of what I speak of! Many of the first replies are utterly useless! Although they might make you chuckle for half a second at first, it gets annoying when you have to scroll down the page for five minutes to look for anything, ANYTHING, relevant! It is getting out of hand people, so do your best to deny ignorance, stupidity, and a bad sense of when not to post.”

Yes some people are gumming up the works for the really intelligent people. If only they could see how stupid they sound. I have also noticed that the timing of many people’s posts is way off. I always try to post at exactly the right time.

”Thank you!”

No it is I who should be thanking you. I’ve often thought that the terms please and thank you and the little courtesies we pay each other out of mutual respect are fundamental to congenial society. I thank you for your congenial efforts at improving the content of this thread. Your efforts are magnanimous and deserve recognition just as the spirit of Santa that dwells in the hearts of ignorant people everywhere deserves to be recognized every year.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:49 PM
Who is this "Kompactor" you speak of? No person with this handle on the board exists! You are just spouting off nonsense when obviously Kompactor has said no such thing, as the user does not exist, and if they do, they have not posted on this thread.

Get some bolts to keep your head on tight, it is coming loose!

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:10 PM
I was making a play on words about a person who was compacting and compounding the very problem they were complaining about. I am sure this person knows who I was really addressing because they were very intelligent and insightful.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:28 PM
i think that aliens were sent down to give you presents
and they disguised themselves as jolly old saint nick or it was his ghost.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 11:14 PM

I was making a play on words about a person who was compacting and compounding the very problem they were complaining about.

All that with just a 'c'? Wow! You are truly a master at the english language, especially when it comes to subtly! I would have never guess that a simple 'c' could mean so much![/sarcasm]

I believe what you just provided an excellent example of, Mr. Alexodin, is pulling something out of one's ass! Good job! Thank you for that wonderfuly display!

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 11:12 AM
Santa Clause is real, what about Saint Nick in Germany in the last century!

Anyway, it is slightly paedophilic to think that some middle-aged pervert is climbing down your chimney every Christmas, eating YOUR food, drinking YOUR booze, and putting crap under your tree!

It's a sick story to tell your kids and frankly I wouldn't wish to freak my children out like that!

It's well messed up

Trust the Germans to start such sadistic ideology!

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 12:33 PM
I believe you are refering to the Republican Santa Clause. The Democrat Santa is a pacifist with long hair and beard and smokes a pipe. Demo Santa is suspected of being a communist due to his excessive giving to the poor and wearing of the color red. Dem Santa is Rep Santa's arch nemisis as they battle for control of the universe.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 12:35 PM
" I am 29, and I believe in Santa Clause"

Thats ok, some people are 49 and beleive in Bush and his administration.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 09:13 AM
Your 29 and beleieve in santa clause... Geeze... all i can say is that this christmas dont buy your child a gift and tell your wife not to and see what you kid gets for christmas, ill guarantee they dont get jack squat cept the plate of cookies they left for him...

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:08 AM
Santa Clause is something paedophiles can only aspire to in my eyes, I believe he's started a cult of lying, perverted, grumpy, old men who find a form of sadistic pleasure in destroying the moral boundaries of society!



posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:43 PM
Santa is not real... yet. I believe that the government is constructing a robotic version of jolly old St. Nick at an underground lab in Area 51. Codenamed Project S.A.N.T.A., it's part of a Republican plot to line the pockets of the elite. See my post in the Aircraft forum for more.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:48 PM
there's nothing wrong with believing in Santa Clause. I don't anymore. But I still act like I do bc it makes the holidays fun.

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