posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:22 PM
Tired of athlete�s foot? I thought I�d share this with you folks the remedy I�d like to share is absolutely great.
I used to have burning, itching, and smelling feet; all the classical signs of athlete�s foot. I think I acquired this problem while attending collage
and living in the men�s dormitory.
My father came across this old time recipe book for unique uses for vinegar. It stated to soak your feet in a tub with one to two cups vinegar to
about a gallon of water. I did this three times in the spread over a week and I�ve not had problem since. I�ll occasionally re-soak my feet, not
because of reoccurring problems, but I just like the way it feels.
Where I live, I buy 4 and 5 percent white vinegar for about buck twenty a gallon. It�s cheap.
What big corporations don�t tell you is that when you wash with soap, it leaves your skin slightly alkaline. This alkalinity is conducive to
bacterial growth. Using the vinegar slightly raises your bodies PH level back up to more normal level allowing your natural immune system to combat
this skin borne bacteria more effectively.
Here are some supporting links that I�ve found since I first started this treatment.
You can find hundreds of other by typing �athletes foot vinegar� in Google. Most links suggest using apple cider vinegar, but I use the cheaper white