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Hey Mr Obama.....

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posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 06:21 PM
So murdering indigenous people and having slaves to farm your crops while you revel in killing people whose color doesn't match yours means you have cajones?
Growing up half-african in Hawai'i takes a lot of balls...

edit on 16-10-2014 by the owlbear because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Power_Semi

As the Commander-in-Chief, he has called upon the national guard and reserves to go fight all things ebola with bullets - because that has worked so well in the history of the world so far.

Is that not brave enough for you?, a sacrifice worthy of the record books.

He also said ISIS is not about Islam, and a bunch of other "I must be on crack" quotes.

LOL - he's so funny.

I think he's already on maybe one of the 200 doses of anti.
reserved for the illusion of "Look, I Kissed the Girls."
He could probably swim in a pool of the Countess' bath
water with his eyes open now, and not even catch a sneeze.
"We will persist in this quest to the very last drop of our
subjects' blood".. probably to squirt at an airport near
us all soon, somewhat unlike Mr. Dempsey the actor.

The troops going in to prod the diamond miners out of a
strike will not be so well girded. Ebola dies from bullets..
and I'm the Sheen of Queeba.

I hope the DeBeers family wine list didn't get too
truncated yet... you know how testy they can become
when the supper swill goes under a grand a bottle.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: Power_Semi
Here is a flat out challenge to Mr Obama - do what no other politician in the last 100 years or more has done, and put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is....

so here's the thing - I HATE politicians - they are ALL full of crap.

Never mind doing the right thing, or the thing that is right for the MAJORITY (i.e. the people they are SUPPOSED to be representing), they just do the thing that's right for their friends - like not stopping flights INTO America because it'll cost airlines money, but making out it's because aid might not get to Africa, etc.

So Obama and his chums are saying it's safe to sit on a bus full of ebola sufferers and you won't catch it - Obama - lets send YOU to Liberia, sit you on a bus, and fill it up with ebola VICTIMS - lets do it right now, with YOUR wife and daughter and other family members on other buses, with NO vaccinations first.

You are plying this # as the recommendation for your own people and telling them they are safe - are YOU going to do it FIRST and LEAD BY EXAMPLE?

Thought not...

Lol you really believe Obama can do anything? He a puppet. The higher ups don't give a ssss about you or even black people. This is all propaganda to scare middle class and lower class white people, with another fear tactic that the Government's higher Ups planned to prevent another Bacons Rebellion situation.

Don't fall for this...

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:31 PM
Well, I'll give you points for originality. You combined an "I hate Obama" thread with an "I believe the media and am oh so scared of Ebola" thread.

Tell you what, raise the money and send ME to Liberia (first class too), send me in style, let me live it up a bit, and I will sit in a STADIUM full of Ebola sufferers. Despite what the media says (um, but never believe the media???), you cannot get Ebola from just being around Ebola, there has to be some kind of physical contact

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: Tatanka

But I'd think most of our medics and corpsmen would disagree with you on that. Some specialists and ratings actually are trained health care professionals. I would also think the majority sent in are of a background that would be more useful in dealing with the problem.

However sending them into a hot zone is still asking a lot of them. Dealing with a pathogen like this is probably scarier than going into harms way to care for your fellow troops.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: Power_Semi
Here is a flat out challenge to Mr Obama - do what no other politician in the last 100 years or more has done, and put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is....

so here's the thing - I HATE politicians - they are ALL full of crap.

Never mind doing the right thing, or the thing that is right for the MAJORITY (i.e. the people they are SUPPOSED to be representing), they just do the thing that's right for their friends - like not stopping flights INTO America because it'll cost airlines money, but making out it's because aid might not get to Africa, etc.

So Obama and his chums are saying it's safe to sit on a bus full of ebola sufferers and you won't catch it - Obama - lets send YOU to Liberia, sit you on a bus, and fill it up with ebola VICTIMS - lets do it right now, with YOUR wife and daughter and other family members on other buses, with NO vaccinations first.

You are plying this # as the recommendation for your own people and telling them they are safe - are YOU going to do it FIRST and LEAD BY EXAMPLE?

Thought not...


I'll be embarrassed for you since you're too dumb to realize how foolish you sound.

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