has somebody seen the doc, Area 51 the alien interview ?
i read on www.crowdedskies.com that
"Whether its all true or not - you'll just have to decide yourself. But bear in mind that since the films release into the public domain in 1996
NO-ONE has come forward to claim credit for a hoax"
The one thing that strikes me as lame about the footage is that there is no sound. also, doesn't the being's head seem to be ALOT more heavy than
those tiiny shoulders could hold up? Reggie, what do you think about the infamous tape of what is supposed to e the nightmare hall level of Dulce? for
some reason Dulce has always intigued me more than area 51.
well not sure if its real or not but its the one which really spooks me out. Something strikes me about it which leaves me feeling it should not be
I thought the Micheal Jackson interview was more creepier than this one....i mean why they hell would they interview it in such low quality...its