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2014 - 666 years = the year 1348 and the Black Death (Ebola-like) spreading in Europe

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posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:04 AM
Although sugar arrived in Europe around 1100 it was not widely used until the 1700s. Honey was the sweetener used in baking by most of the populace. Sugar was a treasure for rich spice merchants and the aristocracy and we know they survived by closing themselves in and waiting the pandemic out. The plague was spread by fleas and everyone lived with fleas and rodents back then. Even in the castles. Sugar can be blamed for a multitude of ailments in humans from diabetes to heart disease but bubonic plague is not one of them. eply to: Tedgoat

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:11 AM
Except that the plague started in 1346 not 1348 so it was 666 years two years ago.
a reply to: raedar

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:15 AM
Not buying it. Fact is every one of us is the ancestor to a plague survivor. Because the others died their line died with them. a reply to: dreamingawake

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

In 1493 Columbus transported sugar cane to the New World on the advice of Queen Isabela. In 1500 the Dutch establish a sugar refinery at Antwerp and ship sugar to Germany and England. In 1515 Spanish monks offer loans in gold to anyone who would start a sugar mill for them. In 1560 Charles V of Spain built vast palaces using taxes on the sugar trade.

And then Europe suffers Plague outbreaks that kill thousands. By 1662 Britain was importing 16 million pounds of sugar per year. Then they had their big Plague in 1665. A bit coincidental isn't it? In 1674 the name Diabetes is mention by a British Physician. There is a pattern there with Sugar. But then came the kicker.

In the 1600's, 1700's and 1800's they started experimenting with and producing vaccines. And the amount of people they killed? Whoa!

Won't go into that. It would be off topic!

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