posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 05:00 AM
the Ebola posts are spreading way faster than the actual virus ever could!
now of course, keeping people informed, sharing ideas means some ideas will come up more often than others, so no harm done really.
As for your post, and what was said, the first thing would be to block incoming/outgoing flights from that area. i know it sounds harsh, and there are
healthy people that want to go back home to their loved ones, but tough titties.
I read about this robot, little moe i think, that can pretty much zap ebola to death, and they have been using these robots in a bunch of different
hospitals, it can remove the virus from any surface in about 2 minutes...why not start with sending some of those to Liberia, for example, as a way to
"help the people there"?
probably because each robot costs 100000 usd.