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Enterovirus Claims Another Victim

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posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:19 AM
I know, I know with Ebola looming ever so closely in the immediate proximity this seems like just another tragic story. On the other hand being the mother of 2 small school age children, it is still quite terrifying especially when a boy last week( NY Times Link ) died so close to my home.

Toddler first in Michigan to die from enterovirus strain

NEW YORK, Oct 11 - A 21-month-old girl is the first in the state of Michigan and second in the U.S. to die this year from a strain of the enterovirus that has infected more than 500 people across the nation, health officials said on Saturday.

Madeline Reid, who was stricken with Enterovirus D68(EV-D68), passed away late on Friday while being treated at the Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, hospital officialssaid in a statement.

"It is never easy to lose a child, and our entire healthcare team at the Children's Hospital of Michigan is deeply saddenedby this family's loss and mourns with them during this very difficult time," Rudolph Valentini, chief medical officer at the children's hospital, said.

Reid is the first in the state reported to have died from the virus, Michigan Department of Community Health spokeswoman Jennifer Smith said.

More than 500 people, mostly children, in 43 states and the District of Columbia have been infected with EV-D68 since mid-August, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This week, the CDC said that a 4-year-old Eli Waller of New Jersey, who went to bed last month in seemingly good health and died in his sleep, was the first fatality linked directly to the strain of the virus.

Aside from Reid and Waller, at least four others infected with Enterovirus D68 have died this year, although the CDC saidit is unclear what role the virus played in their deaths.

EV-D68 is one of more than 100 non-polio enteroviruses, which are common at this time of year and cause 10 million to 15 million infections in the United States annually. Few people who contract Enterovirus D68 develop symptoms beyond a runny noseand low fever.
Link to Source

Why am I worried, maybe even more right now then Ebola. Well 2 in America have died from this now and unlike Ebola this is very easy to catch. In my eye's it's a 'deadly' cold and it's almost a given if you are spending any amount of time near a child showing symptoms or caring for them. I do believe adults and older children are not as susceptible to this specific type of virus due to having built up the immune response to it over time through other viruses. The 4 year old boy above went to bed a visually healthy normal boy and during the night it came on and he passed, unknown to his parents until the morning.

My son had surgery 1 month ago for respiratory issues, he was a heavy breather and they removed his tonsils, adenoids and put tubes in his ears. Now when he sleeps he is quiet as a mouse but Friday night he became ill(looked like a slight cold- runny nose) and I found myself checking him over and over, as he slept, to the point of ridiculous. I had to take a step back and realize what I was doing and the thought dawned on me that there was nothing I could do for him more then what I have already done. I needed to just accept fate at that point and wait for morning. The thought of those parents from the first story causing me great distress.

I hope everyone stays healthy and is aware of the potential diseases, viruses right now. In my home we have instituted a mandatory 'wash hands' protocol whenever we enter the house now. Also I am looking at supplements for strengthening the systems of our family such as zinc and vitamin c, along with others. Proper diet, the whole ten yards, I've always been a fighter and now I fight for my family even if this is what we should have been doing all along(but sometimes it's fun to cheat).

Have a good Monday everyone, AB
edit on 10/13/2014 by AnteBellum because: clarity

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

I would be concerned about your boy, too. But not over worrisome in his presence. You are obviously loving but want to be careful about stressing too much around him. That can have a direct effect on his immune system as well.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

We who have raised kids have all spent restless nights fretting over their well being when they develop all kinds of weird symptoms. This enterovirus stuffseemed to come out of no where unless it came from the Southern border jumpers... but we can't broach that because it is not PC.

The normal yearly flu kills somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 mostly young and old every year.. Enterovirus so far has killed 2 ? Not even in the same class. But mom I salute you for the TLC for your loved ones.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:34 AM
The eterovirus is infecting children and an alarming rate, yes now a second tragic death, right now eterovirus should be of more concern that one ebola death isolated case and a sick nurse.

But as we have seen eterovirus is not as important even when is showing in about every state in the nation.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Thank you, I didn't add that whole conspiracy end to this story because it didn't feel right along with the incidents of these two beautiful angels.
Please anyone that wants to talk about it now, I won't take offense.

There has been lots of debate over this, so far all I've heard is conjecture. Do you know if anyone has linked the path of this back into Mexico? Hearing stories like this just adds to the frustration, NJ has a huge immigration issue. Driving to work I see the ICE teams randomly driving around in their white van stopping at all the local 'work wait zones' many of these people stand at. Last week I noticed them wearing masks and gloves, when they made a stop, while I was in traffic(New Brunswick, NJ). I'm starting to wonder if I should stock up on latex also now, just in case.

ADD: Funny, I'm off to take him to his doctors appointment right now. Hopefully they are not packed with sick kids. I'll be back soon. . .
edit on 10/13/2014 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

There has been lots of debate over this, so far all I've heard is conjecture.

No nothing but conjecture here.. I have seen others raise the question because of some of the known diseases that were brought in with the last batch of little darlings. The timing was a little weird though... Maybe just happenstance.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 09:08 AM
I'm far more worried about this enterovirus strain than Ebola.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 09:17 AM
I don't have a lot of faith in the medical communities ability to accurately diagnose diseases. I imagine tests for the enterovirus aren't much more accurate than the tests for the flu, which is rather limited.

Most rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RITDs) perform well when viral concentrations in a sample are high, but accuracy declines at lower concentrations, researchers found. Of 11 FDA-cleared rapid tests that were commercially available during the 2011-2012 flu season, most detected viral antigens in samples with the highest concentrations, according to Roxanne Shively, MS, of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and colleagues. Detection varied, however, when the viral concentrations in a sample were lower, the researchers reported in the Nov. 2 issue of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. And one rapid test -- SAS FluAlert Influenza A from SA Scientific -- did not consistently detect the pandemic H1N1 virus or other influenza A viruses even at high concentrations.

A little 2 year old from our area passed away recently after testing positive for enterovirus, but 'further testing' is needed to determine if it was the D68 variety. I doubt the public will ever hear the results.

When nothing can be done about a rapidly spreading virus to save lives, I think the CDC goes into damage control mode- saying it isn't common to be so serious, or even stating the patient 'tested negative'. Preventing mass panic is about the only thing the CDC can do, as viruses seem to be mutating faster and faster these days.

Why do I always think about the Georgia Guide Stones every time a new disease comes out of nowhere to overtake the country in a matter of weeks?

edi t on 100000099America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 09:25 AM
See, that is the problem. Unfortunately, I believe the actual death toll from the Entrovirus is up to six now. But the CDC is claiming that "other factors" may have played a part in those deaths.

I think we do need to be more worried about this, than the media is letting on.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Kali74

And rightfully so!

I just came back from the pediatrician and raised a few questions. First off my son has a sinus infection, as we thought. She gave him antibiotics due to his recent surgery just in case of complications.

When I asked what she thought of Ebola she became instantly irate with it's over reaction due to the media frenzy. She would be more concerned with the flu then any other illness right now. She went on to tell me she has been telling all parents to get the flu shot and those same parents are now freaking out because their children have the sniffles and flu like symptoms, due to the death of this little boy. More people have died due to flu, which is easy to catch, then ever could be expected from Ebola - not that the Ebola disease is not life threatening.
Also they test for the enterovirus and have been for years now, it's very simple done in office. The fact that it came with border crossing children is not ridiculous, what is ridiculous is that the spread of it was initially caused by them, this virus has been around for years in different forms. Most cases of death were are due to children with respiratory issues to begin with.
Even if my son had it the most that can be done is nebulizer treatments with albuterol, unless he had trouble breathing and needed to be monitored in a hospital. Over the counter measures like Tylenol and cold/cough suppressants for symptoms as needed too. There is no direct cure for this either, just like Ebola.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

Those poor parents. Putting your little guy to bed just fine and him not waking up, it's just heartbreaking.
My heart goes out to them, and to all of the parents who lost their child or now have paralyzed little ones from this virus.

Best of luck to you, being close. It sounds like you know what to do to help keep your little ones healthy. This is going to be a long stressful winter for many. I have never been a germaphobe (?) before, but I have been feeling like one lately. I know of too many people who travel back and forth between Dallas and my local community that have kept me on my toes. It seems like its simply a matter of time before the enterovirus comes closer. I miss my invincible days, but kids change everything. All of a sudden you have a fragile life to protect. I almost lost my oldest son to the flu when he was 15 months old. It all scares me now a little bit.

Wow, sorry about that. I wish the best of health to you and your family, and to all of ATS.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:30 AM
All my other kids are 8 and up. Last year we had a baby for the first time in a long while. Man I forgot how much you spend nights worrying. It's hard but part of the job. Thank god for technology now days as we have 2 camera monitors covering his crib and one has a pretty good resolution to be able to see him breath, I have spent nights upon night just staring as I drift off to sleep. This season is gonna be a long on I am afraid...

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: woodsmom

Thank you for that, keep safe!

a reply to: jaynkeel

My dad is in the field so I have access to all sorts of interesting items.
I took a portable pulse oximeter the last time I was at his hospital and the other night was in the process of trying to tie it into a remote alarm system, so my cell phone alarm goes off if I'm in bed sleeping. Overkill, definitely but kids do tend to change the rationality of parents of times, especially me.
Was a pretty cool trick though, I think drug stores sell them too now.
edit on 10/13/2014 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 12:29 PM
Funny you mention that. I was killing time in line at the drug store the other day and noticed one for around 35 dollars. The though has crossed my head as a useful tool in the kit for sure. I guess we just keep on keeping on as parents and one day (hopefully) we look back and have a chuckle when our kids are doing the same.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 12:58 PM
This is what worries me a little. The media is all over the place with Ebola, fearmongering and what not.
But we're hearing very little about this virus. Remember when H1N1 was going around and the media was fearmongering long before anyone even died.

This is why I am more worried about this virus than Ebola. Because we aren't hearing very much about it. And when we do hear about it 'there could be other factors.'

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:01 PM
The main reason I'm freaking about Ebola is because of entero D68. It's a waaay worse issue for the U.S., numerically speaking - at this time.

I just don't want the hospitals overwhelmed with hypochondriac Ebola patients or a few real Ebola patients which would add to the worries of parents of children with entero who need hospital care..

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum
Me too!! You must not live to far from me. The first boy died in camden county. I'm in Camden county. I think your the 3rd from our area worried, as am I, because the three of us posters, have small children. Wow, only 21 months old. Poor baby & poor family....this is just heartbreaking....edit to add, TY for the update, I was unaware of this 2nd child......

edit on 10/13/14 by j.r.c.b. because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: j.r.c.b.

Hello neighbor, it did rattle me up a bit but I'll hold it together for now I hope.

We'll just have to wait and see what becomes of this once the windows in schools get closed and the cold starts bringing more sickness to the masses. I'm hoping it will be business as usual but with the ebola scare running rampant, I feel this may just add to the hysteria. If schools start to become effected, I worry for everyone's sanity as this progresses. Let's just hope it doesn't for now. . .

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: 727Sky

Thank you, I didn't add that whole conspiracy end to this story because it didn't feel right along with the incidents of these two beautiful angels.
Please anyone that wants to talk about it now, I won't take offense.

There has been lots of debate over this, so far all I've heard is conjecture. Do you know if anyone has linked the path of this back into Mexico? Hearing stories like this just adds to the frustration, NJ has a huge immigration issue. Driving to work I see the ICE teams randomly driving around in their white van stopping at all the local 'work wait zones' many of these people stand at. Last week I noticed them wearing masks and gloves, when they made a stop, while I was in traffic(New Brunswick, NJ). I'm starting to wonder if I should stock up on latex also now, just in case.

ADD: Funny, I'm off to take him to his doctors appointment right now. Hopefully they are not packed with sick kids. I'll be back soon. . .

I worry for my daughter, AnteBellum. She has Asthma issues. Because she lives in a group home 2 hours away from me (Autism), I can't hover like I would love to. So instead I remind her to try to play with sick kids and wash her hands often. It's all I can do really.

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