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Dick Gregory Speaks Out About Ebola Conspiracy

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posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:38 PM
First off let me say I am TIRED of all this Ebola DOOM PORN running around ATS. It is as if ATSers have forgotten that the US government is internationally known (not exclusively) for committing medical apartheid against its own and others in countries they want to conquer/deplete of resources at their own clandestine discretion. Remember Tuskegee & AIDS people??? STDs targeted to certain "undesirable" parts of the population to basically kill them off and a generation after them. Do research on AIDS from 1967-1982. Do any research on Tuskegee 1930-1970. Hell, even Henrietta Lacks was killed off so some government sponsored corporations could play for decades with her DNA. Think about that. Ebola has BEEN HERE and the government is systematically spreading it out - almost like cutting off the head of a snake in case it wants to bite later.

Dick Gregory is a political activist from way back. WARNING: he has strong opinions about civil rights, racism, and the government. I don't agree with everything he says, but he was dead on and the only one talking about the 200 black boys found dead drained of all fluids in a dumpster 3 blks from CDC in ATL after the Atlanta Child Murders. He has been VERY VERY vocal about the CDC doing a lot of things off the cuff to the populus.

Synopsis of interview: Ebola according to Gregory is no secret if you follow clues. This thing was specifically targeted against a certain population of people, who are now mad as hell and wanting to fight back here and abroad and Ebola is slowing down the revolution momentum. He compares and discusses it with AIDS propaganda and Tuskegee and elaborates on steps the government is taking to ensure it takes root (and discussing people are looking at clues in the wrong place).

He segways a lot but he brings the point home, especially about the convenient excuse of running out of vaccine and questioning who are all these infected people, what is their backstory.

Dick Gregory Interview

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:48 PM
I had to stop listening. Why do black people always think that everything is designed to oppress them?

If and when Ebola takes hold in this country, it doesn't give a $h!t what color you are.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:52 PM
Gregory is a long time race baitor along the lines of Al Sharpton,L.Farrakan etc.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

When i wake up i always think how many black folks can i hold down today.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 02:11 PM
Or, can't we just say it's all a hoax?

Down the rabbit hole we go.....

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: IamAbeliever

"They are all pink in the middle"


posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: IamAbeliever
I had to stop listening. Why do black people always think that everything is designed to oppress them?

If and when Ebola takes hold in this country, it doesn't give a $h!t what color you are.

First off, I warned you about his political views. This is a man that grew up in a segregated US, and contrary to the hidden colors of the subject, it is still very much that world he grew in just hidden in plain sight.

Ebola doesn't care what color you are no. However, the US government cares. They can modify strains based on your color and certain DNA that is/is not present depending on your race. See AIDS and the Delta Gene.

originally posted by: TDawg61
Gregory is a long time race baitor along the lines of Al Sharpton,L.Farrakan etc.

No more than Alex Jones is. While his views come from his political value you cannot dismiss the fact that black people have been the selected guinea pigs of the US government since slavery. Tuskegee anyone?
edit on 12-10-2014 by ArchPlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Druid42

It is a Hoax. Bad script, bad actors, bad government, bad citizens, bad sheeple, bad television broacast, bad ending.

But hey, Ebola Divas is going to make a great new reality show. Maybe we can see some real life death too, like The Running Man tried to show us.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: rockpaperhammock
a reply to: IamAbeliever

"They are all pink in the middle"


Ha!! Awesome reply!!

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: ArchPlayer
a reply to: Druid42

It is a Hoax. Bad script, bad actors, bad government, bad citizens, bad sheeple, bad television broacast, bad ending.

But hey, Ebola Divas is going to make a great new reality show. Maybe we can see some real life death too, like The Running Man tried to show us.

Keep taking the Ostrich tablets.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: IamAbeliever
I had to stop listening. Why do black people always think that everything is designed to oppress them?

If and when Ebola takes hold in this country, it doesn't give a $h!t what color you are.

Just a thought, what if the whole thing is part of an ongoing mission to destabilize and cause hate between races and other factions?
The CDC is run by the military is it not? What is all this is to spread fear and marshal law? Maybe it is not even Ebola.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: Char-Lee

originally posted by: IamAbeliever
I had to stop listening. Why do black people always think that everything is designed to oppress them?

If and when Ebola takes hold in this country, it doesn't give a $h!t what color you are.

Just a thought, what if the whole thing is part of an ongoing mission to destabilize and cause hate between races and other factions?
The CDC is run by the military is it not? What is all this is to spread fear and marshal law? Maybe it is not even Ebola.

I wonder that. Racism towards African people across Europe has been on the upswing the last 2 years. My current trip in Western Europe has seen very nasty reactions toward anybody showing any color whatsoever - throw Ebola coming "from Africa" and we could very well see racism in Europe akin to that of 19th century America.

Also, everytime we see "people" having Ebola (like the guy in England) they are black. The media is putting a color on this thing, and that disgusts me. Ebola does discriminate though, depending on how it is modded. Like AIDS, different strains are for different groups of people.

I also have heard and seen in America people jumping on the anti-black sentiment because of Ebola, but mostly amongst black on black communities. Black friends of mine are now Anti-African and think they all should be shot. White friends are just scared and believing MSM.

You could have a point.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Druid42

Those three movies you posted are utterly embarrassing.
Really, you believe them? not one of those movies posts any shred of proof about this being a fraud.

because CNN used the color green EBOLA is a hoax?
because the ambulance didn't have its lights on, when it was being escorted by federal vehicles, EBOLA is a hoax?


green.. did anyone stop drinking for a moment and look at the photo of Duncan

see all the green, the green wine, the green shirts, the green clothes.. did you not think.. maybe.. the event he is on.. had a GREEN THEME?

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

it is still very much that world he grew in just hidden in plain sight.

no it is not, when he was growing up and well into his adult life a black person would never been able to be president,
a black person couldn't ride in the front of the bus, a black person couldn't eat in the fast food joints with white people, a black person couldn't take a leak beside a white person, a black person couldn't drink out of the same water fountain, very few black people were afforded the opportunity to get a education, very few if any were able to have jobs that placed them above white people. the list is long and varied for what black people couldn't do,back in 1932 to the 60's.

now we have a black president, black people can ride any where on the bus they want to, black people can eat sitting right beside a white person, a black person can take a leak right beside a white person, drink from the same water fountain, go to any school they want, have any job they want / or apply and can't be turned down due to color, there are even black people running major corporations above and right beside people that are white brown pink blue or what have you. the list is long and varied for what black people can do now, that they couldn't do back in 1932 to the 60's. hell there is even law that was written for them to ensure that they have the same rights as others. hell there is even a law that was written for them to ensure that they have advantage over others.

do some people including blacks discriminate against black people , the answer is yes. but the country and the laws are there to support them now. there is even a law that was written to give black people a advantage because they were black where as the laws back then did discriminate against black people.

something that i always find funny when people say things like this about the U.S. government.

Ebola doesn't care what color you are no. However, the US government cares. They can modify strains based on your color and certain DNA that is/is not present depending on your race. See AIDS and the Delta Gene.

it's like they don't realize that there are thousands, maybe even ten of thousands of black people in the employee of the U.S. Government, and many of those are in leadership positions. not to mention all of the black politicians that are elected by both black and white people. so it must be that those black people are race tradersif they don't speak out if there is a secret plot by the U.S. Government against just black folks. please get a real life and drop the race bullsh@@!

edit on 13-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Also, everytime we see "people" having Ebola (like the guy in England) they are black. The media is putting a color on this thing, and that disgusts me. Ebola does discriminate though, depending on how it is modded. Like AIDS, different strains are for different groups of people.

man i bet you got brown eyes, cuase your so full of....

then would you care to explain the white doctors, nurses, camera man, and how the other white people that have contracted the virus.

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