I will point out my basic belief right from the get go; call me ignorant, a "America hater", conspiracy nut, whatever... i don't believe anything
being told to me by this governments, and think they are evil. If this virus is real, i believe this and other governments spread, as per the reports
of the Ebola and other mass ailments popping up wherever US/EU doctors "treat" people, when there were never any cases there before.
If it is real, they are not in any way trying to help anyone, and using this to further screw us all over.
Got that out of the way. Good.
The little details pointed out this video here is somewhat hard to run with, but the acting? That is something that seems too damn familiar, here.
It is not hard to get people with easily shifted morals to do whatever for sustenance.
The green shirts are the same color theme used for the sandy hook "tragedy".
The kid nonchalantly laying down into the tarp is a giveaway. The man falling out of the van with the snarky commentary of the video host is
Enjoy, people.
edit on 10-10-2014 by bigman88 because: (no reason given)
The kid nonchalantly laying down into the tarp is a giveaway. The man falling out of the van with the snarky commentary of the video host is
I didn't hear the "snarky comment", whatever it might have been, but people that have ebola go through delirium and delusions, you could have
someone about to pop off, organs liquified and they think they are about to dance swan lake. So judging peoples expressions or behaviours is not very
useful. Unless you are an expert at visually diagnosing Ebola that is.
The green shirts are the same color theme used for the sandy hook "tragedy".
And that is proof of what?
I ask because I have a green shirt so does that mean I am part of this conspiracy?
And just so you know Ebola is very much real and has been since it was first discovered in the 70's, also know there is a site that discusses not
only the strains but the history of Ebola.
I actually found the guy's commentary rather sickening...and flat out annoying, to be honest.
The CNN footage is not legit....in my opinion, that doesn't mean ebola is "a hoax". Remember the NBC reporter that supposedly caught ebola while
filming? I'd say that others took note of that and this is a replication of events by "paid actors"....the kid falling down was sort of obvious.
Had they added a "re-enactment" disclaimer it wouldn't be the slightest bit suspicious, but since they didn't here we are discussing it.
The NY Times footage of the guy in the green shirt. I honestly cannot be sure the guy is "faking it". How would we know? What does dying of ebola
look like? Is it the same for all that suffer and/or die from it?
.....that is about the point I stopped with the video. The mockery was making me sick to my stomach (and I have a HIGH tolerance for such buffoonery
if there is a point to it)......
....The old guy falling out of the ambulance just appeared to me like he had a few too many opiates
Still, it doesn't mean ebola is a "hoax" or they are manufacturing the entire thing....though, the possibility exists and I won't disregard it
completely (not in this world, not knowing what I do know).....
....certainly suspicious. But I am going to chalk it up to them not wanting to be directly exposed while filming and paying locals a bit to "role
play" for footage they could safely acquire.
At the hospital where I work teams are color coded..one of those teams is green and they often wear green shirts..does that indicate some tie into
Sandy Hook and Ebola?
You also know that Ebola has been around for decades right and that disease and illness have been on the planet since before the horrible evil
IllumiNSACIA-USA GOVT killed all the dinosaurs right.