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Donetsk Peoples Republic...

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posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 12:08 PM
As we have seen over the last year the problems in Ukraine, well here is a video filmed by VICE News over 6 months in Donetsk.

It is an interesting view that not very many people have seen...

Here's the description of the video for those who don't want to watch the video...

As an uneasy ceasefire continues to hold in Eastern Ukraine, VICE News returns to Donetsk with an exclusive film that follows some of the characters involved in setting up the self-proclaimed state of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

In early April 2014, pro-Russia rebels seized the regional administration building and other key institutions in Donetsk, expelling Ukrainian officials and raising their own flag. The rebellion here — and other incidents elsewhere — quickly escalated into a bloody civil war that has left over 2,000 people dead and displaced more than a million.

Filmed over six weeks, this documentary follows the chaotic birth of the DPR as it tries to forge a path to independence and closer ties to Russia.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

As soon as I saw it was you posting this thread I assumed it would be something ugly. Average person reads ATS for a year before joining so don't give me crap on how I know where you stand.

I didn't expect you to have Devil with horns as your avatar though, but maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Biased people find the worst of the worst regardless of side and talk about it.

As for the video, I don't suppose you want me to find and post youtube videos about Western Ukraine NEO NAZI purges.

The Ratio of extremist Western Ukrainian Junta forces VS Eastern Ukrainian extremist videos is 10:1
edit on 10-10-2014 by ExSmokerYes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: ExSmokerYes

As soon as I saw it was you posting this thread I assumed it would be something ugly. Average person reads ATS for a year before joining so don't give me crap on how I know where you stand.

That's fine and it is better when someone knows the others stance on things makes for easier discussions. I also have no need for posting something ugly, as I just thought it was a view that we haven't seen concerning the DPR.

I didn't expect you to have Devil with horns as your avatar though, but maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

How about now... is that better?

As for the video, I don't suppose you want me to find and post youtube videos about Western Ukraine NEO NAZI purges.

If that is what you want to do.

The Ratio of extremist Western Ukrainian Junta forces VS Eastern Ukrainian extremist videos is 10:1

First let's get this right...Ukraine is not a Junta nor was it ever, but feel free to show me when it was or is a Junta? And of those videos how many come from Russian state run media?

And since you know my stance then my reply shouldn't come as a surprise either.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 01:49 PM
link guys sure know how to wave a prick.......hats off to ya.....
the" discussion" is now open.....
Interesting watching but I refuse to credit anyones propagansa with my support.....I am sure the brutality of the Ukrainians will reach full measure no matter what side they me it looks like a vulgar drunken holiday for them both......

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: stirling guys sure know how to wave a prick.......hats off to ya.....
the" discussion" is now open.....

No prick waving here, as I just thought it would be an interesting video...and I welcome the discussion.

Interesting watching but I refuse to credit anyones propagansa with my support.....I am sure the brutality of the Ukrainians will reach full measure no matter what side they choose.

And nobody will ask you to...also nobody is denying that both sides are guilty of something but it seems the separatists don't mind being filmed doing it. Which could really come back to haunt them, then again it may not who knows.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 05:15 PM
Personally I feel that Russia should not be able to say a word if STRONG action was taken against these rebel groups. Russia claims that it is not their doing, and that these groups are acting on their own. If that is the case, then why should Russia have qualms about Ukraine or the west stomping out these groups? Because they're Russian? Putin has no problems being violent with protesters or rebels in his own country, so why the double standard, especially considering he does not control Ukraine. In that sense Russia is definitely the bad guy. These rebel forces are literally establishing a coup, as they are taking over government buildings and seizing anyone working for the government. That essentially means that all the military force of Ukraine should be brought to bear on them, and Russia should keep their mouths shut.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: ExSmokerYes

It's very telling that you have nothing to say about the content of the OP's post, and everything to say about the content of his character. What you're bringing to ATS is in a small way what you see in the video at around the 7:37 mark - people who dare to hold opinions which deviate from the Russian propagandist's prepared line are attacked and silenced. Welcome to ATS, by the way, although I suspect that you might not be around for long.
edit on 10/10/2014 by Monger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Wow! You guys came out with the gloves off for this one. I'll give my own version of what I see in this video. I see a group of people that are trying to instill a new government in hostile surroundings. They have the support of most of the people,but there is a larger government looming over them trying to stop them. When instituting a new government,it rarely is done under peaceful circumstances. Most times it is under the banner of war. And this is no different. People do things in times of war they would never agree with at any other time,and yet they will do it.

I didn't see a bunch of 'bad' guys doing terrible things really, I saw people trying to pull some type of organization out of chaotic times. Are there criminals? Oh yeah,they come out of the wood work during a war. But they aren't the whole story. I hope that things calm down in Ukraine soon and the killing stops.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

Wow! You guys came out with the gloves off for this one.

No gloves off, but a true look into what really was happening at the time.

I didn't see a bunch of 'bad' guys doing terrible things really, I saw people trying to pull some type of organization out of chaotic times. Are there criminals?

Of course you didn't.

Well let's see the threatening of Ukraine citizens, taking over government buildings by force, stealing cars and terrorizing the civilians that don't agree with your those wouldn't be considered criminals in a fantasy world, but in the real world those would be considered criminal acts done by criminals.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

At least they aren't rounding people up,disarming them,then executing them by the hundreds.That has been done before. During chaotic times,things happen. So they threatened someone,big deal. At least they let them go. And terrorizing them? In a war zone thats going to happen anyway. Soldiers don't come up and tap you on the shoulder to say hi. At least they weren't torching the building with people in it,they only took it over.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Ah Vice news again? as usual western propaganda NOTE THE COMMENTS BELOW THE Video.

Ukraine will never prosper as long as they are controlled by Russia. Once the Russian economy goes into recession these old people may begin to change their minds. I give my best wishes from Germany to all those Ukrainians standing up for freedom. 

German Standing up with the usual subjects.

Users dont know History while getting likes for there comments.

USSR also claimed to "just fight with fascism"...

A response to an good comment.

You will say this to everything that doesnt please you. Just shut the up, this is the reality of whats going on, like it or not. Donetsk was always full of criminals so why wouldnt the authorities of this DNR be full of criminals aswell?

Sounds like the viewers of vice news are not clueless but also temper short sided when it comes to there arguments.

An American commented.
Does Ukraine have bombers ? why don't they just carpet bomb this city ? and from the ashes a new city rises.

It shows that the video you had posted shows just how ignorant and stupid there viewers on the matter.

CLASSIC!!! I love how VICE News shows the Re-THUG-lic for what it really is. They run their business by fear and intimidation and bribes. Typical Russian style government...Russian MOB style that is! Listen to the threats of bodily injury to the kids with just bumper stickers!! See how the good people of Donetsk stone others who disagree with the anarchists. How the young girls who want Ukraine to stay united are pounced upon and how they are shouted down and ridiculed for expressing their opinion. Remember the claim of why the criminal anarchists??? The right of Russian speakers

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Here's Vice News Showing its Viewers just how the Free Syrian Army are very moderate.

With the same again idiotic comments. And this time they used the same poly they used in there Donetsk video in Syria they went around Aleppo Islamist Rebel held areas and in which as usual vice news leaves out very important information just like they do on Ukraine.

Whom runs vice?

In mid-August 2013, Rupert Murdoch's corporation 21st Century Fox invested US$70 million in Vice Media, resulting in a 5 percent stake. Following the announcement, Smith explained, "We have set ourselves up to build a global platform but we have maintained control

edit on 11-10-2014 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: Agent_USA_Supporter

Here's Vice News Showing its Viewers just how the Free Syrian Army are very moderate.

I would say I am amazed, but this is your bring Syria into a Ukraine thread.

In mid-August 2013, Rupert Murdoch's corporation 21st Century Fox invested US$70 million in Vice Media, resulting in a 5 percent stake. Following the announcement, Smith explained, "We have set ourselves up to build a global platform but we have maintained control

And that isn't the only company looking to invest in VICE...

Mr. Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox owns a small stake in Vice, and he was visiting Brooklyn to meet with Vice’s chief executive, Shane Smith. Among the topics at hand was a rumor that Vice was negotiating to collaborate with, and perhaps sell a large stake to, one of Fox’s competitors, Time Warner.

And yet here he is, in negotiations involving the likes of James Murdoch, Rupert’s son and Fox’s heir apparent; Robert A. Iger, chief executive of Disney; and Jeffrey L. Bewkes, chief executive of Time Warner. All of them are desperately scrambling to reach a generation of consumers who are more attached to their mobile phones than to traditional television.

So to you someone who sees a way to make money and have better backing for better stories is wrong to you?

You don't like VICE because they show the other side of your diluted views of the world...but yet you enjoy the media that blatantly lies about the conflicts...and yes I am talking about your beloved Russian media and their reporting on Ukraine.

Because this is a thread about UKraine not Syria.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

You don't like VICE because they show the other side of your diluted views of the world...but yet you enjoy the media that blatantly lies about the conflicts...and yes I am talking about your beloved Russian media and their reporting on Ukraine. Because this is a thread about UKraine not Syria.

Because this is a thread about UKraine not Syria.

You sound very familiar.

You don't like VICE because they show the other side of your diluted views of the world...b

Thats rather rich, i dont like nor support Vice not because of what they are but rather they arent showing the difference views unless you consider government propaganda agenda to be news.

Vice news have being pretty much one sided on Syria and they are now one sided in Ukraine which was my point but not surprising you attacked me for making my point in your thread which ide of your diluted views of the world.

yes I am talking about your beloved Russian media and their reporting on Ukraine

Where is the proof that it was Putin missile again? is that proof from your western their reporting on Ukraine? with their hilarious headlines right after the plane went down such.

Putin's Missile
Putin murdered My loved Ones

Its ironic how quick you judge the Russian media and their reporting on Ukraine without judging how America's and Euporean news outlets and their reporting on Ukraine, even when the protests were occurring.

Lets ignore how badly your western news outlet had lied often on Ukraine alone.
edit on 11-10-2014 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Here you go.
How The Western News Outlets reported

Not enough?

Westren Headlines

These headlines were just released just a day after the plane went down in Ukraine my goodness those news editors on those news papers surely must have at least some level of Intel before anyone else dont they?
edit on 11-10-2014 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Agent_USA_Supporter

How The Western News Outlets reported

A tabloid is what your using...seriously?

The Sun is a daily tabloid newspaper published in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is published by the News Group Newspapers division of News UK, itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.[2][3]

So what's next...National Enquirer, World Weekly News?

You read those standing in line at the supermarket...Heck there is probably a story about an alien marrying an earthling in there somewhere...thanks for the giggle.

Westren Headlines

You went for the twosome of tabloids...way to go.

The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market[2][3] tabloid newspaper owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust.[4]

And that would be Western not if your going to use it at least spell it right.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Agent_USA_Supporter

You sound very familiar.

Well it should because you do it in every thread about Ukraine.

Vice news have being pretty much one sided on Syria and they are now one sided in Ukraine which was my point but not surprising you attacked me for making my point in your thread which ide of your diluted views of the world.

No I said what I said because you try to add Syria to every thread about Ukraine and you think they have relevance when they don't.

Since you are so stuck on Syria why not start a thread about it and stick to the topic of the thread Ukraine, but for some reason you can't seem to understand the difference.

Where is the proof that it was Putin missile again? is that proof from your western their reporting on Ukraine? with their hilarious headlines right after the plane went down such.

Funny, but I just don't see where I said anything about Putin or MH 17 in this thread, nor was it even discussed in the video, so why are you even bringing that into the conversation?

Its ironic how quick you judge the Russian media and their reporting on Ukraine without judging how America's and Euporean news outlets and their reporting on Ukraine, even when the protests were occurring.

No what's ironic is the fact that this thread has nothing to do with Western media and what they report, as it is just a look at what many people have not seen on how things were going during that time, but of course you have to make it something else...

Pay close attention here...

This thread was not about how western media reports on UKraine, nor is it a thread about Putin and MH 17, so if you don't understand that I can't help you. So do you have anything to say about the topic of the DPR or are you just going to keep ranting about how you don't like western media?

Although I pretty much know the answer, I am interested in what your reply will be.

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