posted on May, 31 2003 @ 07:59 AM
My real name is Clive Denton I was born in the English county of Essex 36 years ago and I moved to Wales in 1990, I been here ever since. I have been
interested in UFO's ever since I was 11 after a friend and I saw a fantastic flying display by 3 white objects flying high in a clear summer night
sky. The way the white objects moved around and changed direction was mind boggling especially when they would sometimes disappear then reappear in a
blink of an eye. I have been in to computers for about 4 years now and have Diplomas in IT E-Commerce and Internet Technologies. I run my own
small business as an IT consultant offering support and help to small businesses in mid Wales.
I found the Above Top Secret website when I first ever went online, I was looking for information about Government cover ups in regards to UFO's
and I have been visiting ever since. There have been a number of changes to the ATS website and Simon Grey has done an outstanding job not just by
creating the website but also maintaining it and keeping it updated with all the latest information covered by the many subjects that ATS now
contains. Even when the site went down for a while, due to it's funding or something like that, I kept checking back to see if it was back online
again and sure enough it came back online informative as ever. Now the ATS website is, well, what can I say, COSMIC, SUPERB, FANTASTIC, TOP SITE
EVER. It's vast improvements have come about with the help of our good IT friend 'William' (lets have three cheers for William, HIP HIP Array, HIP
HIP Array, HIP HIP Array). The forum is the best that I have participated on and the fellow members have a great knowledge of a hell of a lot of
Back to me, well there is not much more that I think you will find interesting about me. My music likes vary greatly from Beethoven to Apollo 440
but I chill out best when I listen to Pink Floyd who are the best contemporary band ever. In fact I'm listening to "Us and Them" from the Darkside
of the Moon album right now. I enjoy Hill walking on some of Wales's ancient sites. I drive a VW polo. I live in a house. I live on planet Earth
with billions of other people. I eat food. I drink water, beer, wine, Red Bull, and gallons of coffee but not all at the same time. I have an 8
year old son Sid who I'm sure was fathered by an Alien and not by me
although his mother is sure that I'm the father. My girlfriend and
mother of my son is Berni we have been manicled together now for 15 wonderful years.
That is me.
Thank you and good night.