a reply to:
What you must understand about religious people, is that they are educated to know that they have a soul or spirit, they can detect that they have it,
and they guard their spirits, with their lives, in the hopes of maintaining their spirit, so that it can ascend to heaven, otherwise, by committing
sins against their body, by indulging in carnal desires, they see that they would "fall" and no longer have any spirit left. They get rather paranoid
about it, they deem that being a corpse will result in either hell or reincarnation.
You can see it in popular new age culture - "activating the pineal gland", "ascention", "raising vibrations" etc.
I will tell you something that might clarify things, those that do not have a spirit, are seen as "animals" to most of them, and they know who has one
and whom does not. They maintain their link to their gods, and their religions, so that their spirits can return to "the source".
I ask you, now, to see through them, to take a scientific perspective, and realise that all can be measured, a spirit is simply a form of energy, and
so is the body, sure, some might have destroyed their spirits because of "sin" however look at it differently, they have harmed their spiritual beings
because they have damaged their spiritual beings one way or another, you can call it "sin" or you can just say that they know how to maintain their
spirits by practice of their faiths.
All religions are about the spirit and heaven, and from their higher perspectives, they can see those that are "fallen" and those that are not,
regardless of what religion they might preach or practice, those that are apart of the "religious collective" remain silent and simply know that they
are going to a better place, and that, the others, are going to die.
They see us as animals, controlled by all kinds of things, and they know that they are "safe" as long as they do not "fall" and make the choices that
would lead to their spirits to dissolve. It has taken me a long time to realise this about them, and it is why many feel paranoid, like there is
something that they do not tell.
As long as they remain steadfast in their resolve, they know that they are going to go to "a better place".
Whether or not that place is real, is a question that cannot be answered.
edit on 10-10-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason
edit on 10-10-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)