posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to:
The current Ebola has shown alleged signs of aerosol transmission. There is no conclusive evidence which rules out aerosol. Airborne transmission is
ruled out.
In layman's terms (I'm a layman with basic understanding of diseases from basic science classes but have done some homework lately).
Airborne refers to diseases with very light particles like most flu's or the common cold which can float for long periods of time and travel through
air ducts and such. Airborne disease travels like smoke.
Aerosol means the particle is heavy (like Ebola and it's cousin Marburg's) so will only travel short distances before falling, often mixed with a
liquid. Aerosol travels like sea spray at the beach.
Anyone with real heavy duty scientific knowledge, feel free to contradict or clarify.
The link below discusses the fact that aerosolized ebola has not been entirely proven false.
Ebola is definitely not airborne though. It is likely is definitely aerosol and experts have no strong evidence to rule it out entirely.