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How the US Screwed Up the fight against Ebola

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posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 07:43 PM

By 2006 the White House became aware of an inefficiency. NIAID’s budget went to sponsor basic research at university and commercial labs, but the agency didn’t move its ideas out of the lab, into trials, and through the FDA approval process. The Pentagon’s program also “never got enough money to be a pharmaceutical company,” says Robert Kadlec. A consultant and public health physician who held several high-level posts in biodefense in the George W. Bush administration, Kadlec says the Pentagon had “enough for research and development, but not for licensure.”
“For things like Ebola, there is no clear buyer other than the government,” says Thomas Inglesby, the director of the Center for Health Security at the University of Pittsburgh Medical

How the US Screwed Up the fight against Ebola

What kind of cigarettes do we smoke to get this ingredient?

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: judydawg

I'm guessing whatever Obama smokes.

Oh wait, he smokes medicinal marijuana off of DC's medical program......

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: judydawg

Screwed up or carefully planned?

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 09:45 PM
First off, they didn't "screw up"... everything is going according to plan.

Second, why are you guys talking about cigarettes??

Oh... I think I get it now. Since cigarettes are known to have thousands of chemicals you jokingly assume that the chemical that fights ebola could very well be hidden in there somewhere. That would be an ingenious way to sneak something onto the market since cigarettes are apparently allowed to bypass all the red tape from the FDA. Just buy/start a cigarette company. No this isnt life saving medicine, its just a "cigarette"... hehe...

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

‘Ebola mystery serum’ made from GMO tobacco

Ebola 'Secret Serum' And Big Tobacco

Ebola & DARPA and Critical Questions About the Pandemic

I think that the vaccine conspiracy theory has legs. Big pharma is sitting there with the vaccine almost ready to go and suddenly the entire planet is worried about an outbreak

Experimental Ebola Serum Grown in Tobacco

It wouldn't be the first time they did something like this to make money

Tobacco Ebola drugs

Texas-based biotechnology company claimed it was ready to fast-track the drug . The company, which says it operates the largest tobacco-based pharmaceutical facility in the world,

Will the Ebola Problem be Solved by Big Tobacco?
edit on 4-10-2014 by ShadowChatter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: judydawg

Lets discuss why we think it is being deliberately spread and also discuss with those who think it isn't being deliberately spread!!

I think we can all agree that when this was first making news back in March there was an outbreak and it was pretty bad but not that bad to stop Traffic in and out of those Country's! But a couple Months later in May we were hearing it was getting worse and could get out of control. This is when i started to think 'Hmmm.... I think the Governments need to start seriously looking at closing down Traffic to and from those country's' , but did we hear that any Flights were going to stop? NO! Not until July I think when the Epidemic was 3 times worse than what it was back in March! So, we started to hear from Airlines saying they were going to halt flights from August but not all Airlines were going to halt flights, only a few... roll on September and the virus is spreading like wildfire but what do the Airlines do? They keep on flying to the infected area's back and forth without a thought for other people who don't want to contract this disease! We hear of possible cases here and there at the beginning of Sept although some were reported in August too, so none came of those earlier cases but still the threat was not taken seriously. We come to end of Sept and what happens? A guy traveling back from Liberia (which I'm sure the Authorities know about) travels to 'Brussels' on to 'Washington' and then onto 'Dallas'... he has the virus and has most likely infected a few of those 100 people he came in contact with... there we have it, it is now on the loose in 'Dallas' when this could have been avoided if the Authorities had halted all flights back in June!

We are now into October and still the Authorities aren't stopping all Flights coming from the Infected Area's!!

This to me sounds like a deliberate attempt to wipe out quite a lot of the Populace!! Admittedly there are some people on this planet that aren't fit to be here and yes, they should be wiped out but the spreading of this virus is not only affecting those people!

Who agrees with me and who doesn't? If you don't, please explain?

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 02:41 PM
Good one a reply to: 3n19m470

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I agree and I think their are more than we know.

One of the first doctors that flew over, on the news this morning said he was back in the hospital, CNN I think.

You know Ebola guys whole family has Ebola now and where are they? I also think he had it on the plane coming over. Close those areas in Africa right now and bring our 4000 troops home.

I am at the age when all my lifelong friends from small town south of Atlanta are old, tried and have many health problems.I sure want them to leave this earth in the normal way not from Ebola. Do you know how many times our parents are in hospitals and doctor offices? Makes me sick.

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 03:02 PM
There is no coordinated effort in combating ebola or any outbreaks. The US no longer has a Surgeon General - mainly because the GOP/NRA have been blocking every single nomination. So no Top Doctor, no procedures or training on how to handle Ebola. Everyone's just winging it.

PS; a virus doesn't need any help in spreading. It does that perfectly well on its own. But without a serious and massive effort to contain it, it'll reach pandemic levels.

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Because they are saying something in the tobacco plant has the cure, there for what's your brand It was sarcasm! Sorry

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: judydawg
a reply to: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

I agree and I think their are more than we know.

One of the first doctors that flew over, on the news this morning said he was back in the hospital, CNN I think.

You know Ebola guys whole family has Ebola now and where are they? I also think he had it on the plane coming over. Close those areas in Africa right now and bring our 4000 troops home.

I am at the age when all my lifelong friends from small town south of Atlanta are old, tried and have many health problems.I sure want them to leave this earth in the normal way not from Ebola. Do you know how many times our parents are in hospitals and doctor offices? Makes me sick.

Are troops are busy building oil pipelines for Europe before Russia spites them in the winter.

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