posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 06:54 AM
I am sorry if I somehow ''hijacked'' your thread, but when you create a thread you're a subject to all kinds of replies and opinions, they may
not be useful to you, but they might be to others visiting this thread. Everyone is free to give his information and, or opinion to any thread, so
feel free to ignore anything you don't agree with...
One the subject,
Most rulers in those days would hype themselves up as God like immortals, or the keepers of true wisdom. King Solomon was believed to be the greatest
king this world has ever seen, but this is believed only by Muslims, Jews and Christians.To accept the myth about Solomon we must first accept the
jewish god. The bible stated he was offered almost supernatural wisdom by god. When offered a wish in a dream, Solomon asked for wisdom, not fame,
fortune or long life. Most scholars regard the Bible’s version of this history as myth and Solomon as legend.
No matter who created this myth and whenever the book was written, its subject, supposed age, and fame, has bound it to the occult. It's only use
would be to take it as an example of the purpose behind the occult, as literature and surely not follow it at word.
The myth of Solomon’s ''wisdom'' speaks to a certain point of occultism. The purpose of occultism is to gain hidden knowledge thru personal
experience. It is not based on simply accepting revealed knowledge through scriptures, as interpreted by organized religion. Trying to use what's
already given (without first understanding the purpose and the meaning) to manipulate or offend others can only have consequences on your own self n
your life.
Wisdom is gained through experience and inner search , If a ''devine'' being shall give you this knowledge one day, without you having to try at
all, then it's not truly wisdom, is it?
Occultism is an attempt to learn spiritual truths directly by yourself. One reason occultism is despised by organized religion is this personal
dimension threatens the power structure ans the dogma of religion. The goal of the occultist should be wisdom and enlightenment. If this path is
pursued for other reasons it is going to fail.
No god, or religion dogma has the monopolisation or exclusivity of Sorcery and the magic practice, so if you think TKOS is somehow the ''bible''
of black magick... you are mistaken. It is just a piece of medieval religious based literature with absolutely no proof (or any evidence at all) of
its supposed age and author.
That's the main reason I chose, not to waste my time with it.
The names and associations of angels and demons in TKOS are all many made religious inspired figures just like Yahweh
We humans, are the only true gods, angels, demons or whatever
there is not god above and no god below us
Thus invoking your own demon self is the only practice that delivers.