posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 11:45 AM
It's been a thousand years since the Arab Spring.
Whole generations separate the young men and women who peacefully clamoured for change in their countries, and the young men (mostly) and women who
claim to have founded an entirely new one in the so-called Islamic State.
Continents stand between the countries the former had hoped for, and what the latter promises to deliver.
Watching, bewildered, is the rest of the Arab world.
This reporter echoes the frustration that the young arab spring protestors must feel with ISIS now taking up center stage in the ME.
She feels a great deal is lost through this extremist uprising......and I have to agree....
Is the Caliphate also being used to quash the yearnings for democracy and progress?
Perhaps we should ask the Saudis....
edit on 3-10-2014 by stirling because: (no reason given)