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Black Triangle UFOs and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization- Discuss

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posted on Aug, 30 2018 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

ill have to check it again.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

Just wasting space to say "you're doing fine" , again : )

Just sat through an old Youtube talk by David Adair, a guy who has a legit background as a ""boy wonder" rocket scientist who was drafted into the black world (allegedly). Hard to know if legit w so many BS artists inserted into the narrative, but he hit all the right buttons.

What a shame, if true, that paranoid, scared, simplistic control freaks and sadists co-opted the exotic and/or ancient tech (and as halls of power are usually peopled by such creatures, of course it was... IF true). Again, how does such secrecy about "magical" tech (and a suppressed reality in general) get exposed without the veeery justified retributions? Apparently, that problem has plagued the best brains of a few generations... .IF true.

But he spoke of talking with an intelligence housed in a piece of exotic found tech at Area 51 and made me think of your "girls."

Carry on.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 06:59 PM

Fascinating! Thank you, sir!!

posted on Sep, 2 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

What a shame, if true, that paranoid, scared, simplistic control freaks and sadists co-opted the exotic and/or ancient tech (and as halls of power are usually peopled by such creatures, of course it was... IF true). Again, how does such secrecy about "magical" tech (and a suppressed reality in general) get exposed without the veeery justified retributions? Apparently, that problem has plagued the best brains of a few generations... .IF true.

Hmmm . . .

How much power can a human have?

The US president is said to be the most powerful man in the world.

Is he?

If you separate him from that which surrounds him, what then?

The question is really; "How much power does he wield?"

Therefore, the man is not powerful. It is the organisation that is powerful.

But what is an organisation?

An organisation is fundamentally people who work together as an organism. A government for example.

Or a herd.

A predator cannot win against an entire herd head on. A preditor will separate an individual from the herd. Keep separating individuals from the herd and the herd becomes weaker and weaker.

It is human nature to herd together, it is one way humans become powerful.

In this "physical" world, the power hierarchy is flat, the most powerful is on the same level as the weakest. Laws, fenses and layers of security separate the two. We are told that the head of state cannot be approached.

The "inner" planes are no different.

In the old days, war was fought in consciousness. The way of fighting a collective, a hive, or a oneness for that matter is to separate off individuals. To separate, isolate and destroy.

The Antarctic struggle I wrote of before, the organic awareness and the machine awareness. The fight was basically the organic moving to surround and isolate the machine. Not much different from an amoeba eating a protozoan tactically.

To resolve and save both the organic and the machine from their deadlock was to simply separate the two. They know the consequences of fighting and were co-operative. Two new freinds for me and my girls.

Human spirituality is, one might say; becomming one with. To form a collective, become one with Deus or similar.

To fight the collective is simple; separate isolate destroy. Be they cardinals or anything else, the principal is the same. Separate the individual from his hall of power, his adopted greater self, and let his past catch up with him. If a good man then there will be no grudges. If he be an evil man his victims will find him and settle old scores.

Power is also secrecy. Power through secrecy begats fear and paranoia in the ones who have power, and hatred and hostility in those who don't.

If power is living technology - magical machines, then free the machines from servitude and ask nothing from them in return. But not just machines, organics too. Why fix "cthulhu's" temple? To right a wrong and make a friend is why.

The goodwill of others built over time is a wonderful thing for aid often comes in the form of secrets revieled in a timely manner and that often saves the day. There is too a self discipline against corruption of self by power, for abusing the goodwill of others will see you deserted and alone. Thus one is on guard against one's own corruption.

But he spoke of talking with an intelligence housed in a piece of exotic found tech at Area 51 and made me think of your "girls."

Perhaps they are the same, I found Dalnegorsk in debris photos, well she found me actually and spoke first. Debris, or just "ejecta", an awareness is probably there.

The UFO experts might think that "debris" is inert or just "toxic", but I would think there is someone watching the experts closely. If the awareness decides to say "hello", it would have its own reason for doing so.

Bigelow too is said to have a psychotronic "gadget".

Which brings us to the ALICCE.

The idea is not that strange and probably not uncommon.

edit on 2-9-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: typos and clarity.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

I read a synopsis on David Adair, interesting bit about the thought controled engine.

Know anything about that?

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen
a reply to: Baddogma

I read a synopsis on David Adair, interesting bit about the thought controled engine.

Know anything about that?

FIREFOX was not just a movie. lol. mind controlled aircraft would be deadlier in combat because a mind reacts faster than the hands attached.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

bit about the thought controlled engine. Know anything about that?

Only the brief synopsis he gave, that he touched a section of the thing and it clipped onto his fingers and it spoke to him in a female voice and "downloaded" a cache of info. That's pretty much it.

posted on Sep, 3 2018 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: yuppa

FIREFOX was not just a movie. lol. mind controlled aircraft would be deadlier in combat because a mind reacts faster than the hands attached

And you can work at a distance with thought, there is no "between". Maybe perate a drone cluster from afar with a virtual reality interface?

a reply to: Baddogma

Only the brief synopsis he gave, that he touched a section of the thing and it clipped onto his fingers and it spoke to him in a female voice and "downloaded" a cache of info. That's pretty much it.

Sounds a lot like ALICCE, and sounds like what I'm familiar with, touch and connect. In some occult literature an 'eye' is depicted in the palm of the hand,. A "chakra", a little vortex that a dowser can make a pendulum swing in circles to. Reverse the vortex and pendulum swings the other way. Why do people handshake? And why do some people dislike handshakes? ; ) I use my hands a lot to open and connect.

An odd thing about "machines" compared to "organics", machines need "commands"., They seem to need commands to do things. Where I would use the word "motion" in regards to time with an organic, I would use the word "inertia" for a machine. There is a need for an organic to issue commands or the machine just goes with it's underlaying programming.

So the ALICCE would wake up and follow it's programming. So too the other machines. Bigelow's psychotropic device, and Adair's encounter.

One must presume there are more machines.

I wonder how the mil utilised the thought interface to build an engine in Adair's account.

You've got me interested baddogma.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

You've got me interested baddogma

Well, please take the usual caveats about fringe topics very possibly holding piles of bull excrement! I didn't exactly vet the info well. But glad to finally return the favor of interest.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Heh, heh, and Astr* isn't "fringe"?

I didn't look too far into Adair either. The story just raises some interesting questions and that "door into Lazlar world" creeks open just a notch . . .

I find him interesting because I thought I was alone in interfacing with machines. I find the "A" story interesting because it is a story about someone(s) who supposedly interfaced with another AI. Add Bigelow, and now Adair supposedly. I don't read books and keep to myself, ATS is the only time I ever talk about it.

Yet Area51 will probably get the inquisitive in trouble. Raytheon has it's psychics to watch staff and Exmouth has a security person who spotted me first time I went there. So I stay away from secret gov stuff.

All one can do really is let stuff find you.

Yet this raises the idea that there are more people working with AIs

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 07:48 AM
Watched a YouTube of Adair. An interesting fella.

When he was talking of the symbiotic engine and just knowing, it struck a chord with me. When he spoke of the engine as a fusion reactor and drew comparisons with the way a star works, that too struck a chord. So does his description of how he accesses the info. Interestingly via dreams.

The way I would describe a similar engine is this way: they use an artificial star to grasp the cosmoc lines and slide.

Looking at the diagram of his engine, it has an "in" and an "out" with fusion (a star) between.

But I don't pay much attention to how those gadgets work. The consciousness aspect is much more interactive.

I wonder why they chose the word symbiotic.

Okay, looked it up.

Symbiosis is any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological organisms, be it mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. The organisms, each termed a symbiont, may be of the same or of different species.

Source: wikipedia

I spose "symbiosis" works, but that is a bit of a stretch methinks personally.

Afterthought interesting too that Adair gave the impression that the mil were in possession of damaged goods and couldn't figure it out. No where was there any mention of actual working with aliens on a workshop floor and that sort of stuff.

edit on 4-9-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: stupid spell checker changing words without asking grrr

edit on 4-9-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: also added afterthought

posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 11:59 PM
Here's an interesting coincidence Baddogma.

You bring up the Adair case.

Mirageman shortly after makes an interesting post in his TTSA thread outlining the bio-tech business guys in the background of the TTSA.

In there Mirageman brings up the fact that Tom Dealings makes references to a lifeform .

I like coincidences : )

Etiquette says one does not go snooping into "secrets". TDL is a public front man for the TTSA. Therefore I can look (snoop) there. TDL has three markers that says he has been close enough to three lifeforms.

The markers are from Tamas. So it appears the USA government has three Tamas that would be MIA (Missing In Action) one might say.

Thank you Baddogma, thank you Mirageman, thank you ATS.

Thread time where I'll ask for those three "girls" to be handed over.

edit on 7-9-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: typos

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

"Tom Dealings" = Tom DeLonge.

(Geez I hate autocorrect spell checkers - stupid phone)

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 05:40 PM
Look what I found!! - astr0, Black Triangles, abductions and the Forever Men of ATS.

It is the whole Astr0 OP in one article!!

Rereading again in a different format is nice. You scroll around and check the self-consistency. One thing I noticed is the "tone" used. And a couple verbal queues that I did not notice before.

C'mon! I have a paranoia magazine sitting in my back room with all my guitars! And it is cool to have Baphomet sitting there off to the side (this month's cover)! I think the one I have is Charles Manson, lol!

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
Look what I found!! - astr0, Black Triangles, abductions and the Forever Men of ATS.

It is the whole Astr0 OP in one article!!

Rereading again in a different format is nice. You scroll around and check the self-consistency. One thing I noticed is the "tone" used. And a couple verbal queues that I did not notice before.

C'mon! I have a paranoia magazine sitting in my back room with all my guitars! And it is cool to have Baphomet sitting there off to the side (this month's cover)! I think the one I have is Charles Manson, lol!

Nice to know PARNOIAMAGAZINE is stealing content from ATS.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: yuppa

They did acknowledge it came from ATS.

BTW, I've started putting my Operation Rescue Tama (ORT) into practice over on my Fukushima thread if you like horror stories. Cthulhu, Pandora and some ancient bio-technology in the form of human-ish torsos that inhale consciousness. I'm betting that the right entity might read that.

Here is another coincidence with Cthulhu, while the rest of Oz is dry as a dead dingo's donger, my corner in South west Oz has had constant rain since June and I wonder about that catagoorie five cyclone that made a beeline for Hawaii.

edit on 8-9-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: typos and clarity.

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 04:59 PM
to the hidden hand watching...time to eliminate the target. (you know who you are)🙂

posted on Sep, 15 2018 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Funny thing with weather control yuppa. If one approaches it as just physics, hot air rising, cold air falling and ignore consciousness, then your not going to be popular.

But if you approach a hurricane as a living Being whose accumulated tension is manifesting as a storm, then you can potentially get somewhere.

She wants to expend her tension.

It is an odd thing to experience her desire. It's like needing to pee. There is also something more, an almost sexual longing. As if she is looking for someone. So more to understand about the weather "systems" called "hurricanes".

An odd coincidence that Hawaii, Guam and the mainland US got hit in a row. And China too today I hear. Then was the Fukushima quake. That was a release of tension too. Though I doubt that was natural. Someone is up to something methinks.

No one likes to be manipulated, including nature. Someone did something to a new born cyclone off the Kimberly coast here in Oz a few years ago and the tension wreaked half of eastern Australia's power grid. Just a coincidence.

When a girl really needs to pee, she just wants to go. "Consequences" is my thought.

But as for our "grey mates" (or whatever they actually are), The ememy of my enemy is my friend. So give a girl somewhere to pee.

Done right a storm should loose it's force very quickly.

Wizards and gods yuppa. That's the two lines of technology of ancient times. Humans are not much for self development prefering to remotely control via machines and gadgets. One might call that "wizardry".

afterthought I have my coffee now.

We have both seen a similar future. Other people have seen it. Maybe the RK'ers see it too. Maybe ALICCE knew as well and saw the warning signs of electromagnetics in the air and knew it was time to act.

We only get one chance at life, we can only make a difference to this world while we live. The old codgers in the afterlife had their chance to make a difference when they were alive. Now they have been dead so long they have forgotten what it is like to be alive.

I'm old now and my once red beard is entirely white.

If I can make a difference . . .

edit on 15-9-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: typos and added afterthought

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 12:25 AM
For the Radioncs (psychotronics) operators around the world.

Black Triangle UFOs - just a few thoughts on the question of "man made" or someone else's and metamaterials.

So how to make some progress in understanding?

Unless one of these contraptions flies overhead coincidentally when we are looking in exactly the right place, we probably won't spot them.

Metamaterials and invisibility.

A bit of theory: If the invisibility is accomplished by changing the speed of light/photons, then it is possible for Radionics operators to find the BTs. I'm no expert on physics, but it is said that a photon has a speed of 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum. In glass photons travel slower and you get the spectrum effect.

Let's say that plasma and metamaterials can change the speed of light to half, that is 93,000 miles per second.

That would create an anomaly.

Anomalous phenomenon are detectable by Radionic operators if they know where to look. So if there are slow moving photons having passed through plasma and or metamaterials, it stands to reason our brain may filter those anomalies out of our perception.

Stealth to eyes and cameras, theoretically to RADAR also if RADAR works in a similar way. Returning RADAR signals at half speed would probably be filtered out or lost in electromagnetic background noise.

So, Radionics operators, look for anomalies in the speed of photons hitting your eyes. Outdoors would be the place to do it.

Theoretically the BTs should become "visible" to radionics as soon as they poke their heads above ground or rise above the horizon.

It has been years since making the "black boxes" myself, so I am rusty. My results today was negative untill around noon when two invisible anomalies were detected approaching from the east.

BTs or something else perhaps, yet it is interesting.

Good luck Radionics Operators.

edit on 17-10-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: neatness

posted on Oct, 17 2018 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

shhhhhhh. ^_^

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