posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 05:11 PM
Two film makers, Adam White and Sara Ford, got a gigantic budget for a computer assisted film with the same goal as dozens of other such films using
the same technology, that have been produced recently for prime time main television channels in NATO countries : cover-up the evolution hoax.
December 6, 2004, 9:45 P.M : the first channel of German television shows the premiere for the film "Time journeys".
But this time something unprecedented happened : an audience of more than 3 millions gets the chance to know about some of the latest facts exposing
evolution, that the censors carefully managed to hide so far.
The film starts by asking two of those facts. How comes you find
- ammonite fossils near the top of Mount Everest, and
- crocodiles (a new species discovered in 2002, much smaller than the Nile crocodiles) living in the middle of the Sahara ?
How the censors were fooled
How comes that what was supposed to be one more computer generated film to "produce" evidence for evolution theory turned in fact to be the most
successful attempt to fool the censors responsible for keeping the public ignorant about the facts exposing immediately the big lie evolution
theory ?
Probably the censors were fooled by how straight forward was the planned goal of the film - keep repeating the basic lie for evolution, suggesting
that it happened during "millions of years".
Since the film makers just kept repeating what they were supposed to ("let's take a journey millions of years into the past"), the censors just
weren't able to realise that in fact the film makers were providing more clues to help the brain washed public understand the truth.
For example in the case of the Sahara crocodiles they showed Sahara wall paintings ("5,000 years old") portraying the animals that lived in the
Sahara, while immediately after using the "millions of years" magic words ...
[edit on 7-12-2004 by MattMarriott]