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Liberia’s Largest Newspaper Accuses US of Manufacturing Ebola Virus (Video)

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posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

I only know that expecting evidence of such claims serves no purpose
at all. It isn't like Fort Detrich is accessible to all inquiry. Do I believe
there are psychopaths with enough power in this world, that would
allow them access thru any government to get something like this done?
Do I believe there are human beings capable of this?

I see nothing unbelievable about it.

The same people create and send us to war. I see no cap on mans
wickedness and know damn well the people in charge OF EVERYTHING,
are wicked. They couldn't possibly be anything else.

I don't understand how people can see this as absurd.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 10:59 AM

Sure go ahead 'blame' evil Ameirca!

People really don't need facts.

Ebola, and Aids ?

Alrightie then.

Or it could be mother natures way of popluation control.

Hell that is what all disease is.

And with 7 billion people around the globe.

More is on the way.

Hell new diseases have been 'discovered'

From madcouw to the bird flu to MERS.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: neo96

Sure go ahead 'blame' evil Ameirca!

People really don't need facts.

Ebola, and Aids ?

Alrightie then.

Or it could be mother natures way of popluation control.

Hell that is what all disease is.

And with 7 billion people around the globe.

More is on the way.

Hell new diseases have been 'discovered'

From madcouw to the bird flu to MERS.

Or it could be mother natures way of popluation control.

All given their names/classifications due to research and development in a petri-dish?

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 02:39 PM
It's probably all part of the depopulation plan that people like Bill Gates' and friends' go around lecturing about

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:06 AM
The thread was supposed to be about some of the beliefs coming out of Africa and what effect those beliefs are having on being able to treat those infected. When a major news paper publishes "it's all the USA's and U.K.'s fault" as the linked article (s) whether true or total B.S. only shows what mistrust many feel toward those who are trying to stop the spread of the virus.

Residents of the Guinean capital Conakry, hit hard by Ebola, say they are afraid to seek treatment at hospitals for fear of being poisoned by doctors, as the death toll across West Africa passed the 3,000 mark.

Local resident Tairu Diallo said on Friday that people living in his neighbourhood refused to seek medical help and instead stayed at home, trying to alleviate their symptoms with drugs bought at a pharmacy.

Diallo said people think doctors at hospitals inject patients with a deadly poison.

If there is a conspiracy it has to be who is convincing people to not seek treatment and why; is there an end game? Is it superstition, lack of fact based education or the old so and so went to the doctor and died after they got a shot? Either way this is a big problem for those facing this outbreak..

Again one more time... It does not matter about who did what when or where. The people of Western Africa are not only afraid of Ebola but the very aide workers and Doctors who are trying to help them. This is truly a weird scenario where if it is allowed to continue then maybe the one million plus by January will become a reality.

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