There was a certain degree of confusion by some as to this comet's identity, but direct calculation of its orbit and its apparent position as seen
from STEREO Ahead shows that it is indeed Comet C/2012 K1 PanSTARRS. It's counter-intuitively moving "up" in the images even though its traveling
farther below the ecliptic plane in space due to the way its receding from the STEREO spacecraft. It's visible in HI2 complete with a nice tail
having just passed perihelion late last month.
My processing of the STEREO Raw data from the 1st - 8th put into an animation aligned roughly on the stars near the comet (visible entering from the
bottom left corner):
edit on 23-9-2014 by ngchunter because: (no reason given)
Not as far as I'm aware. The comet's display from earth was over by about July or so as its angular separation from the sun decreased from our
perspective. I did capture some images of it in April and May.